20 Years of Muslim Christmas Terror in the Capital of Christmas – IOTW Report

20 Years of Muslim Christmas Terror in the Capital of Christmas

Front Page Mag: On the second day of Christmas, the only things stirring in some apartments in Frankfurt, Germany, were some Muslim refugees, the German cops smashing through the door and the chemicals in their kitchen bomb labs which they had been plotting to use to commit mass murder a year before 9/11.

It was the year 2000. And Muslim terrorism was far from unknown, but still a little bit exotic.

While the Algerian terrorists did not prove very cooperative, their home videos were very evocative, especially a shaky video videotape taken by Salim Boukari at the Christmas market in Strasbourg, France.

“This cathedral is Allah’s enemy,” the Algerian Muslim refugee narrated as he watched the cheerful shoppers outside the Strasbourg Cathedral.

“These are the enemies of Allah. They dance and are happy. You will go to hell, Allah willing.”

As the home of the European Parliament and, around this time of year, the “Capital of Christmas” with lavish displays marketing to tourists from around the world, Strasbourg was a natural target.

The massive Al Qaeda terror plot in Strasbourg targeting the cathedral, Christmas market, possibly a synagogue and European Parliament building would have brought together Muslims from Spain, Germany and the UK in a grandiose plot that might have included the use of nerve gas and bombs.

Instead the Muslim refugee terror plot was broken up.

Boukari, who had tried to claim political asylum in the UK, had his conversation with Abu Doha, the terrorist mastermind and another refugee, intercepted.

Aeurobui Beandali, the bomb builder, was another refugee who had come to Germany as a minor, applied for asylum, and committed thefts and assaults. Despite a deportation order, he stayed in Germany and began selling drugs, carrying out robberies and then made it out to terrorist training camps in Afghanistan. He then used that training to work on a pressure cooker bomb.

At the trial, Lamine Maroni, a Muslim refugee who had applied for political asylum, quoted the Koran, declared that non-Muslim were dirt, accused everyone in the courtroom of being Jews, and refused a lawyer because, “Allah will defend me.”

Allah didn’t do a great job. But he didn’t have to. It was a European court, so the terrorists were only sentenced to between 10 and 12 years in prison. That was well below the legal maximum of 15 years. Maroni got 11. Boukari, who mocked the judges, got 12.

That means they’ve been free men for a while.

Abu Doha, the mastermind of the attack, had a special hatred for Christmas. The United States had been looking for him over the LAX bomb plot on New Year’s Eve. But Doha was another Muslim refugee who had applied for political asylum in the UK in the 90s. And his lawyer claimed that he couldn’t get a fair trial in America. When last we heard from him, he was in the UK under house arrest.

While the Strasbourg Cathedral bomb plot, as it came to be known, faded from memory, the threat never went away. It just fell to a new generation of Muslim terrorists to carry it out.  more here

9 Comments on 20 Years of Muslim Christmas Terror in the Capital of Christmas

  1. It will happen here again. I say this every Christmas and I hope I’m always wrong. They did a successful run at a shopping mall in some shot hole. Eventually they’ll try it here. Don’t go to a mall that’s a gun free zone, and don’t go to a mall unless you’re carrying.

  2. And I just noticed the other day that the big blue dome was installed on the brand new mosque that was protested against for years in whitebread Henrico county, va.

    Merry Christmas everyone.

    This will not have a happy ending.

  3. on the first day of Terror my true love sent to me
    … a pedophile worshiping a moon-god deity

    on the second day of Terror my true love sent to me
    … two merciful beheadings
    & a pedophile worshiping a moon-god deity

    on the third day of Terror my true love sent to me
    … three French Infidels
    two merciful beheadings
    & a pedophile worshiping a moon-god diety

    on the fourth day of Terror my true love sent to me
    … four planes a crashing
    three French Infidels
    two merciful beheadings
    & a pedophile worshiping a moon-god diety

    on the fifth day of Terror my true love sent to me
    … five golden calves
    four planes a crashing
    three French Infidels
    two merciful beheadings
    & a pedophile worshiping a moon-god diety

    on the sixth day of Terror my true love sent to me
    … six caged infidels drowning
    … five golden calves
    four planes a crashing
    three French Infidels
    two merciful beheadings
    & a pedophile worshiping a moon-god diety

    on the seventh day of Terror my true love sent to me
    … seven swines denying bacon
    six caged infidels drowning
    … five golden calves
    four planes a crashing
    three French Infidels
    two merciful beheadings
    & a pedophile worshiping a moon-god deity

    on the eighth day of Terror my true love sent to me
    … eight boys a bunging
    seven swines denying bacon
    six caged infidels drowning
    … five golden calves
    four planes a crashing
    three French Infidels
    two merciful beheadings
    & a pedophile worshiping a moon-god deity

    on the ninth day of Terror my true love sent to me
    … nine clitoris chopping
    eight boys a bunging
    seven swines denying bacon
    six caged infidels drowning
    … five golden calves
    four planes a crashing
    three French Infidels
    two merciful beheadings
    & a pedophile worshiping a moon-god deity

    on the tenth day of Terror my true love sent to me
    … ten homos thrown off buildings
    nine clitoris chopping
    eight boys a bunging
    seven swines denying bacon
    six caged infidels drowning
    … five golden calves
    four planes a crashing
    three French Infidels
    two merciful beheadings
    & a pedophile worshiping a moon-god deity

    on the eleventh day of Terror my true love sent to me
    … eleven poopers left-hand wiping
    ten homos thrown off buildings
    nine clitoris chopping
    eight boys a bunging
    seven swines denying bacon
    six caged infidels drowning
    … five golden calves
    four planes a crashing
    three French Infidels
    two merciful beheadings
    & a pedophile worshiping a moon-god deity

    on the twelveth day of Terror my true love sent to me
    … twelve goat molestings
    eleven poopers left-hand wiping
    ten homos thrown off buildings
    nine clitoris chopping
    eight boys a bunging
    seven swines denying bacon
    six caged infidels drowning
    … five golden calves
    four planes a crashing
    three French Infidels
    two merciful beheadings
    & a pedophile worshiping a moon-god diety

    … the joys of Islam ….

  4. When you think about it and look back the muslims have kind of done a piss-poor job at running terror acts in the west (yes, 9/11 not included). The west is a huge, open society that even with top notch intelligence, technology, operatives and informants the west should have suffered a number of acts with similar casualties as 9/11. At some point they will get their act together and begin to get past the guardians. We in the west ought to start removing legal rights from those committing or convicted of planning a terror strike. No right to an attoney, no right innocence till proven guilty, no right to bail, no right to appeal etc. In fact if proven beyond a doubt of committing an act of terror that cost even a single life the sentence is an immediate execution (let them pick the method) and the body cremated and the ashes scattered in an undisclosed location. I suspect the number of volunteers for martyrdom will start to drop quite quickly.


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