2013: Two decades after her affair with Bill Clinton, Gennifer Flowers reveals they’d be together now if it wasn’t for Chelsea and how former president confided in her that Hillary was bisexual – IOTW Report

2013: Two decades after her affair with Bill Clinton, Gennifer Flowers reveals they’d be together now if it wasn’t for Chelsea and how former president confided in her that Hillary was bisexual


Their 12-year affair mad eGennifer Flowers one of the most high profile mistresses in America. Now, two decades after they split amid scandal, the former news reporter from Little Rock, Arkansas wants to ‘sit down and talk’ with Bill Clinton.

In an exclusive interview with MailOnline, Gennifer has spoken of her deep regret at turning down Clinton’s pleas to talk some eight years ago and revealed her belief that they would still be together today, were it not the birth of Clinton’s daughter, Chelsea.

She said: ‘We have some unresolved issues that it would be nice to sit down and talk about now. He was the love of my life and I was the love of his life and you don’t get over those things.’


8 Comments on 2013: Two decades after her affair with Bill Clinton, Gennifer Flowers reveals they’d be together now if it wasn’t for Chelsea and how former president confided in her that Hillary was bisexual

  1. This is exactly the path Hillary wants to go down. I hear this bullshit that so many young people had no idea about how evil she was back in the 90s and oh my(clutching their pearls) there’s no way now I could vote for her.

    The more time spent on Bill & his behavior and Trump & his big mouth, the less time that will spent on the very serious shit we’re in.

    We’re in the middle of a nightmare, the world is on the brink of war, Iran has got nukes, we’re provoking Russia!!! over what? Oil? Refugees? Lord, and Hillary wants to amp that up? With fucking neocon war mongers like McCain?

    No budget in 8 years, just one CR after another. $20 Trillion in debt with more fairy dust money pouring into the system. And now the Fed wants to start buying equities?? Are you fucking kidding?

    So where does the left dominated media want to go? Bash Trump over what he said 11 years ago. Fuck, ignore over 30,000 felonies she’s committed. Ignore lying to Benghazi family members standing over their coffins. Ignore Haitians fucked out of millions. Ignore $200 Million she made giving speeches to Too Big To Fail groups. Ignore ignore ignore. Just fucking shoot me.

    If this is the election, I quit. Really, ask yourself this. Obama/Jarrett had the worst 1st term in my life time. We nominate a loser who refuses to fight(see 2nd debate) and the left dominated media hammers him on his wealth & the 47% comment. Those of us with 2 brain cells warned that without another election, Obama/Jarrett would go places where no administration in our history would go-he has.

    And now Hillary? With a 30 year history of lies and scandals, she wins?? I guarantee we will look back in 2 years with fondness at the level of nightmare we’re in now.

  2. She sounds delusional. She thinks she was the love of his life? Bill Clinton only loves himself. And money. And power.

    Even while he was having an affair with this woman, he was dicking other bimbos, paying crack whores for sex, and raping women for good measure.

    Married men who cheat always have an excuse for why they don’t leave their wives. Using Chelsea as the reason for not leaving Hillary is hilarious. I think that a guy’s wife giving birth to another man’s child is a good reason to leave the wife, not for staying married to the slut.

  3. The world moves, inexorably, towards catastrophe.
    The Lord God Almighty is reaching out His mighty arm – either to smite or to save from the abyss – I cannot see which.
    We are blinded by ignorance, nihilism, and hubris.
    The media and the socialist propagandists play us like fools.
    And we stumble ahead, arms outreached, for another cup of free shit.


    izlamo delenda est …

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