2014: Biden home security system failed so often the Secret Service switched it off – IOTW Report

2014: Biden home security system failed so often the Secret Service switched it off

DMUK 09:27 EST, 21 January 2015 | UPDATED: 09:37 EST, 21 January 2015

The security system at Vice President Joe Biden’s Delaware private residence malfunctioned so badly late last year that Secret Service agents had to shut it off.

What’s more, Saturday’s shooting outside the New Castle County estate, when a motorist unloaded several rounds before speeding away, wasn’t caught on camera because there wasn’t one trained on the road, the Washington Post reports.

Despite the gaps in his home’s security–and the embattled state of affairs within the Secret Service ranks–Vice President Biden said he’s not concerned about his family’s safety.

Biden tells CBS This Morning on Wednesday his house is way off the road, and that there was no evidence that someone shot at the house. 

Biden says it appears someone fired from the passenger side of the vehicle, and his house is on the driver’s side.

He said, ‘I’m not at all worried.’ Biden quipped that he doesn’t think anyone’s trying to get him — ‘at least not physically.’

The Washington Post’s report on Tuesday nonetheless reveals some potentially gaping cracks in the mansion’s security perimeter. MORE

7 Comments on 2014: Biden home security system failed so often the Secret Service switched it off

  1. Probably on purpose, these gaps.

    So when an FBI dons a MAGA hat and takes Pedo out, President Hillary can start her Vengeance Crusade with suspending habeus corpus, seizing guns, and mass executions of anyone who dared not vote for her.

  2. “Biden says it appears someone fired from the passenger side of the vehicle, and his house is on the driver’s side.”

    Was it a one-way street? Or is this just Joe being Joe?

  3. I actually am sick and tired of watching pedo Joe falling down all the time. It would be a better if we could see him fall down with his head in the toilet rather than up-down steps


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