January 2016
Womens’ Shtruggles: Obama Blames Male Lawmakers for Tampon Taxes
Breitbart: President Obama blamed male lawmakers for sales taxes on tampons and pads for women, suggesting that they were ignorant of the struggles of women in America.
Michelle Malkin: ‘My Base Is Fed Up with Fox’ News Channel; Murdoch ‘Treacherous Bedfellow’
BigJournalism- Now more than ever Fox needs a firm hand on the wheel. In many ways, the channel faces the same rebellion from the grassroots that’s cleaving the GOP. “I [Read More]
ICYMI – Judge Treats Inmate’s Frivolous Lawsuit Against the Prison With Little Respect
He renders his decision from the bench in the form of a poem. The poem will give you a little insight to what the inmate’s claim was. Cold showers caused [Read More]
Were Joint Chiefs Of Staff Sending Message During SOTU?
How did I miss this? h/t MTank
It Wasn’t Rape Rape
Remember the story about the gang rape in Brooklyn where the father was chased away at gunpoint when he was walking with his daughter through a playground? Well, finally after [Read More]
The Birther Lawsuits
Texas Lawyer Files Suit to Challenge Ted Cruz’s ‘Natural Born Citizen’ Eligibility. Report: Rubio Fights A Florida Lawsuit Claiming He Has a ‘Birther’ Problem.
My NY Values Tells Me This is a Stupid Issue
Adam Baldwin posted a video on Twitter of a 17 year-old interview where Trump not only acknowledges the existence of NY Values, but goes on to say he can explain his [Read More]
Ted Cruz digging a deeper hole
A mock apology that has nothing to do with Donald Trump at all!
TV Writer Who Wants More Diversity Uses War Footing Expression Against White People
I’m not opposed to good television shows having diverse casts. When the series is good it doesn’t matter at all who the actors are. I don’t watch a good movie [Read More]
Is Hillary’s Suspected Lesbianism Because of the Way She Dresses, Or is it Because of What Bill Told Gennifer?
Salon tries to run defense for Hillary by suggesting that us CIS gender, heteronormative morons don’t know what we’re talking about if we’re basing our innuendos on Hillary’s pantsuits. But’s [Read More]
We Need Trump’s Wrestling Name
The New York Valuer? ht/ Jerry Manderin
Scientists Want to Eradicate Invasive Fish With Herpes
Let the jokes commence!
It’s this
Just tell everyone it’s an antenna. The same people who want to make a bong out of everything are busy making ‘this” out of everything. We’re living in the monkey [Read More]