September 2016 – Page 6 – IOTW Report

NeverTrump suffers another blow

Wednesday, 28 September 2016, 23:50 BFH 19

Little Ben has seen another important piece of his NeverTrump world collapse around him. One of the Ream Team authors, corralled into participating in National Review’s historic ratf*cking, Thomas Sowell, has [Read More]

Juanita Broaddrick Twit-slaps Chelsea Clinton

Wednesday, 28 September 2016, 21:46 MJA 19

WND: After Bill and Hillary Clinton’s daughter attacked GOP nominee Donald Trump for daring to mention her father’s sexual “transgressions” this week, Juanita Broaddrick – who famously accused former President Bill [Read More]

This is my kinda fun

Wednesday, 28 September 2016, 20:45 BFH 5

I would do this. In your car. (The excavator makes this really dangerous, however. I could see getting pushed by another car into the bucket.)

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