2020 Election Day Riots? – IOTW Report

2020 Election Day Riots?

If the Left is so sure Biden’s going to win by 10 points, then why are businesses in large cities closing and boarding up their stores for riots?

18 Comments on 2020 Election Day Riots?

  1. …they’ll riot either way. For a lot of them, it’s just a chance to steal stuff and set fires, they don’t care any deeper than that.

    Even if Pedo ‘won’t, they’d still riot, but it’d be a “happy” riot.

    Ask any city with an NBA team that wins a championship how THAT works.

    People who are scummy pieces of shit will still be scummy pieces of shit regardless of who the President is, and will behave accordingly.

  2. They will riot either way because they like it. And like little spoiled children they’re not going to stop because no one has stopped them. In all actuality some state and local governments have encouraged and emboldened them. However, if Trump wins don’t be surprised to see some local libtard zombies go nuts. They think they are entitled to it. I’ve personally seen 55 year old female Libtards just frothing at the mouth. Crazy shit.
    I’m packing heavy today. I’m in no mood.

  3. All of the looting and rioting will come to a very abrupt end the day after Trump is declared victorious. You’ve had your chance to steal our country, now we’re taking it back. No quarter, no mercy.

  4. May all these liberal hypocrites board their hovels up so tight that it’s air tight. And they should be inside to protect themselves too.

    We can check on them after ‘all the votes are counted’. If that must take a couple days, we’ll be sure to give them a fitting burial.

  5. I know they WILL riot either way. But think of it how the media is thinking of this, the businesses are closing because they’re afraid of Conservatives rioting. It’s ridiculous. They’re just covering it this way so they have an excuse for when the riots happen.


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