2020: James Murdoch Gives Maximum Donation to Pete Buttigieg’s Campaign – IOTW Report

2020: James Murdoch Gives Maximum Donation to Pete Buttigieg’s Campaign

Breitbart: James Murdoch, the scion of billionaire and Fox News founder Rupert Murdoch, gave the maximum possible donation to 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg’s campaign.

Murdoch donated $2,800 to Buttigieg, the largest amount possible to a primary candidate, according to recently filed Federal Election Commission reports. Murdoch joins other high-profile figures — including Susan Rice, formerly the National Security Adviser under President Barack Obama, and actor Ryan Reynolds — in supporting the 37-year-old Harvard graduate’s White House bid. Buttigieg has enjoyed a recent bounce in the polls thanks to a torrent of wall-to-wall media coverage.

According to an Emerson Polling survey released Monday, Buttigieg now ranks third in popularity among Democrat presidential contenders with only former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) ahead of him.

Murdoch, who served as CEO of 21st Century Fox, is described as a political centrist, reports the New York Times. Since leaving the Fox empire this March, Murdoch founded launched an investment group named Lupa Systems. James’ old brother Lachlan, who is seen as the more right-leaning of the two, recently took control over Fox Corp., the parent company of the Fox News Channel. more


13 Comments on 2020: James Murdoch Gives Maximum Donation to Pete Buttigieg’s Campaign

  1. I don’t see anyone entered in The Dementia Derby who stands a snowball’s chance in hell of not being left in a puddle of tears by Trump in the General.

    God Almighty what a collection of misfits and freaks.

  2. What this election, and the Democrats, are actually about has never been more obvious than it is now.

    America has been given a clear, and IMO final, chance to show what it stands for and take appropriate action in support of it.

    Remember, evil only triumphs when good men do nothing to stand against it, and those confused men who don’t know right from wrong and good from evil are not to be counted among the good men.

    There are two distinct sides and you either stand up for good or you join yourself with evil, it is that simple with no gray area involved.

  3. Murdoch was at this truck stop one time – had a bad case of diarrhea – and when he finished cleaning up he noticed a hole drilt into the stall partition. So, being a gambling man, and all, he shoved his penix into the hole.
    Low and behold! It was love at first … uhh … love at first *lick*?

    He and Buttigieg have been “buddies” ever since.

    Or, at least, that’s the rumor …

    izlamo delenda est …


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