2020: Julian Castro Will Let Campaign Workers Unionize – IOTW Report

2020: Julian Castro Will Let Campaign Workers Unionize

Breitbart: Julian Castro, the 2020 presidential candidate who was former President Barack Obama’s Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary, will reportedly allow his campaign workers to unionize.

Jennifer Fiore, a senior adviser for Castro’s campaign, reportedly told the Daily Beast on Monday evening that the campaign has decided to support a union if Castro’s campaign staff decides to organize.

“The leadership of this campaign comes from the social justice movement,” Fiore told the outlet.

The Daily Beast noted that The Campaign Workers Guild, which launched last year, “had some success encouraging and working with unions in the midterm cycle with 24 campaigns and three state party coordinated campaigns ratifying their collective bargaining agreement.”

As the 2020 field becomes more crowded, Democrats running for president could face pressure to allow their campaign workers to unionize to signal that they are progressive enough on labor issues.  read more

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