2024: Will Americans Finally Decide They Have Had Enough? – IOTW Report

2024: Will Americans Finally Decide They Have Had Enough?

Christmas and New Year’s Day are behind us, and America now looks forward to a year that will change our nation in many simultaneous and historic upheavals. more here

24 Comments on 2024: Will Americans Finally Decide They Have Had Enough?

  1. IF this is a free and fair election, Trump wins 45 states and an electoral landslide close to Reagans.
    That being said, it won’t be free or fair, so look for Michelle Obama to come in around October when it is too late for debates or any type of scrutiny, and she wins in a landslide of soccer moms, dead voters and illegals.

  2. NCO77

    GWB will on all the “news” shows: ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC and say “Jo won fair and square!”. AS HE DID IN 2021! So if “Republicans” say on lost ; THEOF COURSE DON LOST “FAIR AND SQUARE”. quoting the GOP who won 2 times!

  3. I dread Presidential election years; I call it the silly season. The last fair election years were 84 & 88, since then they’ve all been a disaster. Staring with slick willie, then Bush v Gore, obummer, 2016 was a miracle with the election of Trump sparing us from hellary ruining the country and 2020 was an absolute clusterfuck of the worst magnitude giving us sleasy joe. Wake up America before we lose everything and end up becoming like the Russians 100 were years ago when they forgot God. I don’t want my grandchildren to have to endure 70 years of Hell like the Russians did from 1919 to 1989.

  4. Any action would have to be spontaneous, which may actually work in the political climate we currently face.

    Any planning or discussion would be ‘jan 6th’.


  5. @ geoff the aardvark Monday, 8 January 2024, 17:45 at 5:45 pm.
    Not even considering the “cheat”, When was the last time we had a choice? I know PDJT, but before that! The gope has been a shithole since Ronnie.

  6. “Firearms sales might indicate something along those lines…then again, maybe not.”

    Owning a firearm doesn’t make you armed anymore than owning a guitar makes you a musician.

  7. Whatever, I suppose. It feels normal at this point to live in a society that runs from crisis to crisis, without ever having a solution for the previous crisis. It sure does feel controlled though, doesn’t it? Why don’t we have many multiple crises at the same time? They all just seem to fade away when a new thing comes around.

  8. “Owning a firearm doesn’t make you armed anymore than owning a guitar makes you a musician.”

    How to shoot a handgun in ten minutes. LOL. This is pretty entertaining video. This young guy catches a lot of shit from a lot of “Older Shooters”. But his mechanics are for the most part spot on. In fact I’d say better than most those old guys. One thing I would add is get use to thinking that your site pic is your throttle. In other words you can only go as fast as target acquisition.
    Lowell, I checked out that shooting event web site when you posted it a couple months ago. Very very cool. In fact I’ve incorporated spreading my targets out farther so I need to hobble faster on my walker. LOL. No seriously, what great training.


  9. @Brad ~ “I don’t think it’s up to us anymore.”

    it hasn’t been up to us since GHWB became pResident … Bush handed it off to Clinton, who handed it off to that moronic son of Bush, who gleefully handed it off to the ‘Magic Negro’ who handed it off to the Consciousless Godless Communist Harridan, but Trump threw a wrench into the cogs of the New World Order …. & it’s been persecution since Day 1 of him winning.

    it was probably earlier, when Truman decided to not run against Eisenhower, who brought prosperity to the nation & warned us of the military/industrial perpetual war machine. but Nixon lost to the Mr. Charisma JFK & he became a well-loved disaster w/ the Bay of Pigs, giving up the NATO Turkey bases & getting involve in ‘Nam …. after JFK was assassinated & women across the land lamented they would never spread their loins for the first, in a long, long line of Kennedy’s that used women as last night’s wash cloths…. the LBJ debacle led to Nixon, who took us off gold & opened up trade w/ China, where we’re reaping the whirlwind today w/ the current ‘pResident’ becoming a China bitch. Nixon ended up getting the same treatment as Trump … leading to the debacle of Jimma’ Carter … which gave us Ronaldus Magnus!!! … &, thankfully, we didn’t have the blight of the Internet then, giving us 8 years of blessed prosperity & peach … “Mr. Gorbachev, tear this wall down!”

    they weren’t gonna let it happen again …. they pulled out fake ballots after the polls closed in GA, (ON TAPE!!!) sanctioned by the ‘republican’ governor, & the ‘republican’ sec of state! They stopped the counting in PA until they got enough fake ballots. they did the same in MI, WI, AZ, NV, most likely in VA.

    … all for a brain-dead ‘leader’ that was/is nothing more than the willing puppet he’s always been.

    …. & they’re not gonna let go of their power & just hand it back to ‘the people’ ….. EVER AGAIN!!!

    they’re coming for us all …. ammo up! … you have nothing to lose but your shovels

  10. Do American’s have a belly full yet 🤔 Doubtful
    But time will tell 😉
    I’m so sick of these damn Commies ruining our country and nobody serving time for it 🤬

  11. “…. & they’re not gonna let go of their power & just hand it back to ‘the people’ ….. EVER AGAIN!!!

    they’re coming for us all …. ammo up! … you have nothing to lose but your shovels”

    There’s a couple people I’m always on the same page as here. Actually there’s four of them that are as fucked up as I am. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ is right at the top of that list with Joe6.
    If I can vote for Trump I will. Meaning if he’s still breathing and not in solitary confinement in some obscure prison. The WEF and the UN are in control. Time to make like minded friends and prepare. Obama has been successful in creating his army. Prepare or die at their hands.

  12. “The WEF and the UN are in control.”

    Sorry to differ, but God is in control.
    And He is pissed. No, I’m not referring to the Apocalypse of St. John the Divine.
    Think the Fall of Babylon. The Fall of Assyria. The Fall of Rome. The Collapse of Russia. Germany’s defeat in WWII. The Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918. The Fall of Akkad. The Babylonian Exile. The Siege of Jerusalem. Constantinople, 1453.

    We (as a nation, not as individuals, but enough individuals to predominate) have not only tolerate, but incorporate, sin into the depths of our culture. We “celebrate” perverts, the mentally ill, liars, thieves, and hypocrites.
    We have allowed our country to be infiltrated and infested with great hordes of godless, even Satanic, alien-invaders.

    In a word, we have turned our backs on God – which is a greater sin as God was the founding of this (once) great nation.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  13. “We (as a nation, not as individuals, but enough individuals to predominate) have not only tolerate, but incorporate, sin into the depths of our culture.”

    Should read: “We (as a nation, not as individuals, but enough individuals to predominate) not only tolerate, but incorporate, sin into the depths of our culture.”

    Sorry bout that … it was originally in past perfect sense, but I thought that too weak and I omitted deleting the “have” when I deleted the past participles of the verbs “tolerate” and “incorporate.” The grammar nazis will understand (I sure hope I got it right!).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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