20st Century Revival of Islamic Terrorism – IOTW Report

20st Century Revival of Islamic Terrorism

Geller Report: Ever since the Ayatollah Khomeini was installed in Iran by Western powers, and forced the Shah of Iran to leave his beloved country, Islam has come out of its shell and now it is out of control. In fact, it has become once again an existential threat to all mankind.

Perhaps President Jimmy Carter was completely ignorant of his own actions. I have on numerous occasions stated that President Carter was responsible for the revival of Islamic terrorism, not only in Iran, but around the world, including the United States. By handing over a friendly Iran to a Muslim terrorist, Carter unknowingly, opened the Pandora’s Box.

 Ironically, President Carter in December of 1977 visited Iran and toasted the Shah for making Iran “an island of stability.” It was a completely fictional toast, while Carter had other plans to replace the friendliest American ally with the turbaned radical Khomeini. Iranians were completely unaware of this scheme.

 Before the arrival of Ayatollah Khomeini, I managed to leave Iran on the last plane just before the holy Day of Ashura (holy Shi’a Day).

From his home, Neauphle-le-Château, outside Paris, almost 40 years ago, Ayatollah Khomeini was given absolute freedom by the French government to get his barbaric Islamic revolutionary message across to all nations of the world and in particular, Iran. The Ayatollah Khomeini effectively offered the Carter administration a deal: “Iranian military leaders listen to you,” he said, “but the Iranian people follow my orders.”

Convinced by Carter, Iran’s Shah Pahlavi, had finally departed on a “vacation” abroad, and left behind an unpopular prime minister and a military in disarray — a force of 400,000 men with heavy dependence on American arms and advice. At the beginning, Khomeini was anxious about the military. Its royalist top brass despised him. Even more nerve-racking, they had daily meetings with a US Air Force General by the name of Robert E Huyser, whom President Carter had sent on a mysterious mission to Tehran.  more here

9 Comments on 20st Century Revival of Islamic Terrorism

  1. Above anyone else, every time I see a picture of Carter the thought runs through my mind that you can never ever know for sure who is a leftist until it’s too late. Paul Ryan is now a close 2nd.

  2. Mr Peanut certainly facilitated islimic terror. But it started when Skortzeny decided to launch operation Werewolf in the middle east instead of Bavaria. A muz head dress is NO different than a swastika arm band

  3. I can remember way back when I was growing up there for the Shaw of Iran was our buddy. When I was in the Air Force, I went through the aircraft plant in St. Louis Missouri back around 1971. At that time, we were producing F-4 aircraft and we’re getting ready to go to F-15 aircraft. The plant was making planes for Germany, Japan, and even Iran.

  4. 42 + 38 years ago 2 liberal residents tricked me into voting for them. I voted each out in the next election! Both 1 term Presidents should never have bee President. Quoting a song I liked 46 years ago. “… its my own dam fault!”! Quoting Tom from 250 years ago, “Folk generally get the govt they deserve.”! 2 life long progressives film flamed me into think they were conservative.

    When Jim cried on TV My wife said “YOU VOTED FOR A CRY BABY! ARE YOU PROUD?”! STILL HURTS AfTER ALL THESE YEARS. Wife really knows how to make me feel like a good cry, I did not but sure felt bad to have a dumb, coward be my choice!

  5. We did sell Iran F-14’s back in the mid 70’s before Jimmah Carta threw the Shah under the bus and replaced him with the Ayatollah Khomenei. The US Navy put an air show on for the Shah and a demonstration of American power in the Spring of 1974 from aboard the USS Kitty Hawk CV 63 in the Persian Gulf. I was there and saw the Shah (as well as the CNO and lots of other Navy brass etc.) during an inspection on the flight deck. Fortunately since I worked nights after the inspection I was able to go to sleep and slept thru the air show. The Shah was a key ally in the Middle East, the Ayatollah was nothing but Mr. Peanut’s getting revenge for the Shah’s supposed human rights violations. Thanks a lot jerk for getting us into this whole friggin mess just because you were pissed at the Shah and replaced him with the supposed moderate Ayatollah. Look at how well that’s worked out, you ignorant jerk.


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