At least 21 people were shot, one of them fatally, over the weekend in Democratic Mayor Brandon Johnson’s Chicago.
Authorities discovered the fatal shooting early Monday morning when police on patrol came upon a teenage boy “on the ground with a gunshot wound to the head,” CBS Chicago reported. Fire crews treated the teenager for his injury, but he later died at a local hospital.
“There’s still no word on what led up to the shooting overnight,” WGN-TV Chicago noted of the tragic incident on Monday. more
That’s some pretty piss poor shooting. I mean WTF. They should show up at the range drunk. So they train like they fight.
The shot in the ass o meter and shot in the junk o meter tally for this year so far are even at three each
Brad, Might also be some piss poor caliber and bullet type?
We all know FMJs are “safer” than HPs.
Firing full load 10mm HPs, 150 gr – 180 gr, into a crowd isn’t going to have the same result. Not at all. Even more so with higher calibers.
Lots of bad people just shoot whatever they have, and FMJs being the cheapest…
They should show up at the range drunk. So they train like they fight.”
That’s gold right there. I don’t care who you are. Funny but true.
So a SLOW weekend.
How many ass shots?
it’s de fault of de glock & de bullits, honkies!
actually a 3-part problem:
Three so far this year
^^^^^ Yea well, it’s hard to find the wall while your hauling ass frontwards and firing backwards. Especially on a Glock.
I for one are glad these folks demonstrating their vibrant cultural interactions don’t frequent the range to train.
Lets legalize silencers so the folks in Chicago can get some sleep.
(Seen elsewhere but worth repeating!)
Valid point, however most these clowns hold their guns sideways because apparently the never read the instruction manual. Back to the choice of rounds. I work for a living so my daily carry is a G19 in a We The People Holster. Stupid name, great holster. That’s my Monday thru Friday carry. In 9 I carry with Hornady Critical Defense. I don’t notice to much differences in accuracy between them and the solid stuff. The combination of gun and holster suites me well during work day. I get to work, un clip the holster, clip it back on when I leave. And it is an accurate weapon. After you replace the shit sites. Saying that, I’m a 1911 addict. I wear one Saturday and Sunday. If I knew I was getting into a gun fight, I’m strapping on a 1911. Why? Because I hit with hit. And no, I don’t use jacketed hollow point thru a 1911. They’ve gone nuts with them and they don’t feed.
JHPs feed through my Colt 1991-A1.
Which manufacturer? I’ll bet I can recommend a couple that won’t cycle.