21 years later, 9/11 plotters haven’t faced trial – IOTW Report

21 years later, 9/11 plotters haven’t faced trial


After 21 years, justice has yet to be attained in the case against the plotters of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and a year of plea negotiations and canceled hearings at Guantanamo Bay has pushed any potential trial back even further .

Negotiations between prosecutors and defense attorneys at Guantanamo Bay could reportedly result in guilty plea deals in which the death penalty is taken off the table for 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his four co-defendants. Top Republicans have criticized any such possibility.

In the more than two decades since the terror attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people, the five men said to be responsible for the planning and execution of the plot have yet to stand trial.


One key unresolved question is the admissibility of confessions obtained by the FBI after the CIA subjected them to “enhanced interrogation techniques” — called “torture” by some.

“At a bare minimum, we are at least one year away from trial,” Air Force Col. Matthew McCall, the presiding judge for the 9/11 case, said in September 2021, shortly after taking over the case . Hearings were held around the 20th anniversary of the attacks last year, but the case has made little pretrial progress since then. The co-defendants appeared in court a year ago for the first time since February 2020 due to delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic . There were also pretrial hearings held in November 2021, but no 9/11-related hearings since then. more here

15 Comments on 21 years later, 9/11 plotters haven’t faced trial

  1. 21 years.

    A child born on 9.11.01 could today own a handgun legally.

    We could have fought the entriety of America’s declared involvement in World War II five times over in that span.

    The First Crusade could have been fought 7 times even moving at medieval speeds.

    21 years is a long time to have less than nothing to show for it at the end.

    …of course, it depends on WHICH 9.11 you are talking about. There was a second one, of course, less visual than the first, involving less American property damage and casualties to be sure, but no less ruinous to Amerca’s reputation and a sinister bellwether of what is to come. For on that second 9.11, the most notable casualty on that day was the Ambassador, not for who he was, but for the fact that his person was the personification of the United States, as all ambassadors are, and as such the attack on HIM was symbolically an attack on us ALL, just as surely and legally as an attack on a U.S. Embassy is an attack on the sovereign territory of the United States itself.

    And we did nothing.

    A scant seven years after the first 9.11, we had installed a Muslim as president, you see. Yes, he dissembled that fact as any Taqiyaa speaking Muslim will do, but in Islam if you have a Muslim father, you are a Muslim; and the fact that no fatwa was sworn on him when he publicly named himself Christian is proof enough that the Muslim world understood it to be a deceit in the service of A!!ah, and therefore excusable. Americans ignorant of Islamic customs did not notice, and called anyone who did a racist.

    This Muslim had surrounded himself with a rouge’s gallery of America’s worst, the murderous Hillary Clinton prominently featured among them, the better to serve his overriding obligation to wreck the Great Satan in the service of his counterfeit god.

    The end result was to imprison some Americans for “inciting”, possibly a test for more and worse to come. No other retribution was forthcoming, and the world noticed.

    Fast forward to last year, in anticipation of the coming anniversary, a member of that same cabal who had served that Muslim and his aims completely, after having had an election stolen for him, contrived to abandon Americans on the ground and surrender American assets and structures built with American sweat and blood, along with 20 years of hard labor and sudden death and injuries too numerous to count to the very enemy that toppled those towers in the first place.

    Senior Democrats refuse to even allow the names of the most recently fallen to be read. No accounting has ever been made to the American people of what matériel was lost, let alone the lives. Nothing of the justification behind this embarassment has ever been discussed in Congress despite a legal mandate on the president to do so. This made a mockery of the sacrifices of generations of soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen as all of their effort, all of their sacrifice, even the loss of their lives, was rendered moot by a senile grinning supernumerary that had no legal right to do what he did, and everyone knew it. The blood of those men and women, as well as the blood of our firefighters, police officers, chaplains and ordinary citizens who died that day and many days after will now and forever be officially unavenged.

    And we did nothing.

    And today, the only concrete results left from the day those Towers fell to today are that members of the cabal were enriched by their investments in defense stocks, the federal government was greatly increased and arrogated much more power to itself despite any Constitutional limits, and the very laws supposedly written to keep American citizens safe from such a thing ever happening again were instead used to attack the very American citizens they were supposed to defend.

    All while Islamics all over the world were potrayed as refugees from this war and permitted, even assisted, to have unfettered access to this country, unvetted in any meaningful way, even reaching some of the highest offices in the land as questions about their eligibility and even veracity were brushed aside as “racist”, despite the fact that Islam is not a race.

    All 9.11 is to our pervesion of government now is a justification for repressing, globalizing, and ultimately killing its own citizens in the name of imposing a global tyranny.

    That is the only, bitter fruit that was allowed to grow from that ground watered with our dearest blood. The seeds of our own destruction.

    And we in our innocence helped nurture them.

    I was as shocked as anyone when the Towers fell. It kindled in me a bright hatred for those perpetrators when I lost 343 brothers in one stroke, among all the other losses of that terrible day. My country was under attack. I had a very young son I had to go home to and try to explain the implacible, inchoate hatred that was on full display 24/7 at that time to. A son I wasn’t going to be seeing very much of as I worked in a war plant.

    So I, too, was fit to be decived when “our” goverment said they would selectively abrogate the Constitution “for our safety”.

    In that, I am as guilty as the next guy.

    And for that, along with millions of my countrymen who the poser in the White House has now declared as his enemy, I will pay, I and my family, with more blood and treasure and suffering to come.

    Much, much more.

    …it is an axiom of history that those who fail to remember the past are doomed to repeat it.

    It is less said but no less truthful that those of us who DO remember history but are too few and too unimportant to make a difference are doomed to repeat it along WITH them.

    I have read this book before. In Farsi, in Hebrew, in Spanish, in Russian, in German, in English, in the countless languages of Africa and Asia.

    And we are approaching the worst part in it.

    The only thing that improves from one generation of man to the next is his ability to kill his fellow man increases. Man himself remains corrupt and venial, and so absent the return of the Lord the history of man will repeat.

    A very bad time is ahead of us. And only the Lord knows when He will finally end it.

    If we’ve learned nothing else from 9.11.01, we should have learned that Death can be sudden and unexpected as a stolen airplane hustling through a bright blue cloudless sky at 400 knots can make it.

    Pray up, arm up, and be ready to die every day.

    For no man knows his day and his hour,
    But those who have used 9.11 to arrogate tyranical pwers to themselves certainly hope to make it soon.

    May God save us, this great Nation, and any who fight to defend hearth and home in the coming days.

    For there is no one else who will.

  2. “guilty plea deals in which the death penalty is taken off the table”

    I would have done this years ago. The possibility of the death penalty (which never happens anyway) is just costing us hundreds of millions of dollars and is providing a circus atmosphere where the terrorists get notoriety. And, the worst part, none of the victim’s families get closure. In keeping with the old axiom of “justice delayed is justice denied”, make the deal, life at Gitmo, end of story.

    Of course, Gitmo needs to be turned into a real prison, no TV or soccer fields, 1500 calories a day and the inmates have to take care of their own needs, washing their clothes and cleaning their cells.

    This also prevents martyrdom and whatever bullshit reward they think they will be getting in the afterlife.

  3. There’s a well researched 3-hour documentary out there, on Rumble and YouTube (and others likely) called “JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick.” It doesn’t speak much on 9/11 other than wrapping up the conclusion, but it makes you see things totally different as to why things happen the way they do. It’s more of a history lesson starting around and before WWI and why WWII happened and a lot of time on JFK. Completely different perspective than what you’ve been lead to believe. Anyhow, if you’ve got 3 hours to kill, look it up and watch. Some may consider it conspiracy at first because you’ve been lead to believe a totally different reality, but if you think about it and do a bit of research on your own, there’s more truth to it than anything.


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