Pooty has Obama’s number – IOTW Report

Pooty has Obama’s number

The Australian Tea Party

h/t  RWF


33 Comments on Pooty has Obama’s number

  1. Other than providing our side with tons of critical fodder, what is the point of caring about the Ukraine?

    I’m not being a jerk by asking, I simply want some information to impart to my lib acquaintances who think Ukraine is where Michael Richards comes from.

    Will we go to war over Ukraine. I think not. Will we impose sanctions on Russia? Again, I think not. So, if we’re not going to do anything about it, what’s the point in caring?

    Other than the aforementioned critical fodder.

  2. Don’t mistake consternation with unprepared collusion.

    This is all part of their pernicious plan.

    This is why we cancelled our Poland-based EIS intermediate range missile defense system.

  3. I care about Ukraine because I worry about the supply of red chalk in America, and this crises will likely decrease existing supplies because Obama may be compelled to start drawing red lines again. The Ukraine is pretty big, so I think those lines may end up being pretty big.

    Will the United States actually do anything about Ukraine? If freedom and self-determination are at stake, then the answer is “no.” If it promotes the Muslim Brotherhood, or irritates Jews, or provides an excuse to kill people via drone, then “maybe.” It actually depends on when spring arrives and local golf courses become playable.

    This is probably nothing more than Putin playing the part of school bully, and Obama the hall monitor hiding in the bathroom again.

  4. @Dazed&Burrfused – I think you are correct, for the most part. We will not confront Putin over this, as, on the surface, we would gain nothing by doing so. It would be a losing proposition.

    I think, though, that it is a very complicated chess match that I’m not smart enough to fully understand. And it involves Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and natural gas reserves / control of energy sources.

    I’ve already said more than I am capable of backing up with facts, and would welcome anyone’s input to agree, dispute or explain the dynamics over there.

  5. I tried the Yurropeon route by patiently explaining that a very considerable amount of gas and oil flows through the Ukraine to supply Yurrup but it was a no go. I was told that alternative energy sources would offset any attempts by Russia to shut that flow off if we messed with them too much.

    I gave up and drove the golf cart around the back 9 aimlessly for a while.

  6. @Burr&Confused I guess it comes down to,what is the worth of any assurance that the U.S. has given other nations now that Obama has flinched so completely in the face of this aggression.

    I would wonder what N. Korea thinks of the way we are handling our foreign policy (think they might be dusting off their war plans for uniting their peninsula now?), not to mention the Chinese (towards Taiwan), the Iranians (toward Iraq and the rest of the Middle East) not to mention how our allies must be feeling right now about President Hesitant.

    How many nations are going to acquire nukes now because Ukraine was dumb enough to give theirs and trust us to come to their aid? Expect the world to become a scarier place with more weapons of mass destruction being held by more nations since the U.S. is shown to be a weakling now. Our allies who have relied on the American military as their deterrent against aggressors are going to have to rethink the whole concept of outsourcing their defense and probably go it alone with out consulting us in the future.

    Imagine the EU seriously militarizing with Germany leading, Japan also re-militarizing as a response to the threats from their neighbors and the weakness of their main ally (us).

    The more nations militarize the more likely they are to use those forces. The more nations put resources towards defense or are embittered towards rivals the less chance for peace, for free markets and democracy to lead to greater individual freedom and less able to contribute to improving human welfare.

  7. Ukraine is outside the US’s security sphere and it is simply impractical to even attempt to do anything about it. However, with our current Armed Forces draw-down, this could shock Europe into the realization that they must choose to continue their socialist-lite governing or prepare for a belligerent Russia. Which implies a re-armed, resurgent Germany, which history has concluded isn’t necessarily a good thing. France relies exclusively on nukes for protection, England’s dead, Italy and Greece are bankrupt, the Balkans will, once more, have to choose sides or be consumed, BeNeLux hasn’t the power to resist anyone, Scandinavia is awash in moslem and African rat-people. Putin could fulfill the dreams of the Romanovs without breaking a sweat.

    A slavic Europe with China swatting the moslems pestering his backside and America turning into a gigantic blind, retarded, sleeping, baby.

  8. It is very evident to me that our curent slate of politicians have become very complacent, self-focused, fat, drunk and stupid. And they haven’t a clue as to how to handle global conflict. Some body(ies) needs to step up very soon and and take control. We will not survive with the current self-serving amateurs running our country.

  9. Dr.Tar. That’s where I started. With the rational, reasoned explanation.

    I was told that’s all irrelevant. That’s it all just smoke and mirrors being used to…wait for it…wait for it…DISCREDIT THE NATIONS FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT.

    That’s what the left is worried about. How evil racist republicans will use this to damage the legacy of Jug Ears.

    I had no response. What can you say in the face of such…I dunno’, such a disconnect with reality.

    So I wound up figuring that ‘reality’ must be one of those words like ‘is’. You know, depends on how you define it and all.

    On the plus side I wound up cancelling this idiots lunch reservations at the clubhouse and left him to tip the caddy.

  10. I wonder what the new Ukrainian government is doing diplomatically with the West? Have they asked for help from us or Europe?

    I know NATO was meeting to discuss the situation, but has Ukraine formally sought our assistance?


    Without actually being formally Treaty obligated to Ukraine, can we really do much without their request for help?

  11. Burred@Confused I’d sure would have liked to watch those liberals you golf with swing their drivers with their heads so firmly jammed up their asses.

    This is one of those occasions where 2 years down the road we will say “see liberals, told you this would happen” and they just stare back, dumb founded and grasping for someone to blame for the next act of raw aggression by another tyrant.

    Proving yet again liberals aren’t just stupid, they are a danger to themselves and others.

  12. Ah Dr. Tar, and here’s the rub. While we continue to flail about helplessly citing ‘law’ and ‘rules’ and ‘associations’ the Russians act.

    It’s that simple. We’ve hamstrung ourselves while the Russians have liberated themselves.

    We bitch and moan, the Russians take territory. We cite international law, the Russians create it.

    Kerry whines about ‘democracy’ so the Crimeans vote to align themselves with Russia.

    It’s over. OVER. Not just this confrontation, but our nations relevance in the world. Done. Finished.

    In 25 years we’ll be lucky if our influence reaches Canada. It’s already meaningless on our southern border.

  13. The US rattles its pen knife:

    3/2/14 — John Kerry said all options, including economic sanctions and military force, are on the table to halt the Russian invasion of the Crimean peninsula of Ukraine.

  14. obama doesnt give a shit. to be honest, i think the slaughter of Christians in somalia by islamists deserve more attention than ukraine. but, obama doesnt give a shit about that either.

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