24/7” Cell will be the conduit between the Pentagon and the DHS for border security – IOTW Report

24/7” Cell will be the conduit between the Pentagon and the DHS for border security

Big Gov: The Pentagon announced on Thursday it was standing up a new cell to support President Trump’s activation of National Guard troops along the U.S. border with Mexico.

“This is not business as usual. The cell will last for the foreseeable future to make sure we surge our capacity to meet the president’s enhanced border security goals,” said Pentagon Chief Spokesperson Dana White.

The establishment of the cell comes after President Trump announced on Thursday he was activating the National Guard to support border security along the U.S. border with Mexico.

White said the cell would be led by Ken Rapuano, assistant secretary of Defense for homeland defense and global security, and be staffed with Defense Department policy staff and military officials from the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

She said the cell will be “24/7” and will be the conduit between the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security as the two departments work together on border security.  more

18 Comments on 24/7” Cell will be the conduit between the Pentagon and the DHS for border security

  1. Recent travel to south Florida we came across a few border patrol units and my wife says, “What border is around here?”

    Creepy along the southern NM/AZ border. Surveillance blimps watch you for 100s of miles along I-10. I’m all for anything that stops illegals at the border to stop spying on traveling citizens. The blimps follow you all the way to a border patrol checkpoint – You’re well recorded for hours before reaching that checkpoint… a checkpoint that’s 75 to 100 miles inland from the border! Really, where does USA begin for real???? Take back our land and freedom!

  2. There’s a lot of buzz on the web about President Trump potentially being in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act by deploying troops to the southern border. I say to those detractors, a big F YOU. Deployment should have taken place in January 2017.

  3. i’m in AZ now and there are no-go zones S and W of Casa Grande. A few years back you will remember a sheriff Babu(?) talking about them on FOX.

  4. Jimmy-
    I remember a conversation with an exchange student from South Africa years ago. At the time, refugees were trying to get INTO South Africa from Lesotho. She explained that it was hard to do because there was a river they had to cross. “And…” she continued without any irony at all, “there are the LIONS.” So yeah. No Man’s Land indeed! Where do we get us some lions?

  5. @flip — I had to laugh when reading about the Left’s use of the term Posse Comitatus. I think most everything they know about gov’t they learned from watching “The West Wing.” LOL

    “I do not think that (phrase) means what you think it means.”

  6. @MerryMouse: Where the exchange student you were talking to came from, there were African lions. All we had protecting our borders here was a lyin’ African.


  7. Hey Flip,

    Most of that buzz is simply just the swamp flatulence of ignorance!

    USCS 1385 (Posse Comitatus Act) really only proscribes utilizing U.S. Military personnel/resources for the enforcement of U.S. Laws on U.S. Citizens. There are exceptions, depending on situation/threat, i.e., Hurricane Relief, and such.

    Better yet, if all of those SJW blunderbusses keep barreling down the Sanctuary City/State yellow brick road…the POTUS-VSG has the authority, and responsibility, to employ U.S. Military forces to quell their sedition and rebellion (especially since it has now reached state levels and is actively endangering the welfare and security of the Republic). Controlling statute for this, is 10 USC Sec 332, not Posse Comitatus.

    Stay vigilant, engaged, and safe!


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