25% of Vaxxed Now Have ‘VAIDS,’ Cambridge Scientists Warn – IOTW Report

25% of Vaxxed Now Have ‘VAIDS,’ Cambridge Scientists Warn

Slay: A bombshell study conducted by top scientists at the world-renowned Cambridge University in England has concluded that 25 percent of all people vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots now have Vaccine-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS).

According to the study, one in four people who received a Covid mRNA injection suffered an “unintended immune response.”

However, the scientists note in their paper that the “unintended immune response” was “created by a glitch.”

While the Cambridge scientists and corporate media outlets attribute the damage to the immune systems as a “glitch” or “unintended” response, experts have been raising the alarm for some time about the effects on individuals’ immune systems. more

32 Comments on 25% of Vaxxed Now Have ‘VAIDS,’ Cambridge Scientists Warn

  1. …I detest the Left’s mangling and misuse of words to serve their own narratives. A glitch is commonly thought to be a temporary nuisance, not a life-altering, life-threatening occurrence.

    Pilot over the cabin intercom: “Folks, we’ve been cleared by LAX to attempt a wheels up landing. So, just sit back and relax and hopefully we’ll get this glitch cleared up before we make our final descent.”

  2. VAIDS is an affliction of the Vulnerable, said a Pureblood.

  3. A “glitch?” The world is not a computer program that can be shut off and rebooted. Or can it?

    Lends creedance to “conspiracy theories”, that the self-annointed took saline shots, which would explain all the “repeat infections” in that group. Government pushers and mandators need to come to a quick end. No actual recompense, but satisfying.

  4. Hmmm… rat bastards and their glitches. Had a .45 stovepipe, thought it was a glitch. No, clean the firearm and that won’t come up. Negligence, not a glitch. In the case of the MRna shots, it can’t be a glitch if it was a structural element of the design can it? We could pursue this line of questioning but I’m sure it would lead to imprisonment or death were it followed strictly.

  5. the scientists note in their paper that the “unintended immune response” was “created by a glitch.”

    Bullshit! It’s been known fro a while the AIDS virus was used in making this vaccine.

  6. I was there when Fauci unleashed AIDS on the country, and it wasn’t pretty.

    One of the reasons it wasn’t pretty was that it isn’t immediately apparent. AIDS itself doesn’t directly kill people, it just destroys the immune system and then some wandering opportunistic infection kills people. The problem is in the word “Opportunistic”. While there are specific infections that are pointers to AIDS in that they simply do not occur in individuals with functional immune systems, it doesn’t otherwise manifest as a particular thing as it can manifest as whatever wandering disease takes advantage of the body’s open borders, so to speak. This means the presentation can be any number of diseases but the underlying problem is that there is no immune system to counter them, which isn’t the symptom that jumps out at you; so, given the delayed onset of the new VAIDS, the uncertainty as to whether a vaxxxed person HAS VAIDS or will even THINK about VAIDS, combined by a medical establishment that has already has shown itself to be committed to omerta on the subject of adverse vaxxx reactions due to their own complicity and culpability in toeing the Government line in violation of their Oaths to man and God in the first place, it likely is something that will be diagnosed post-mortem, if then, because coroners have proven to be elected Democrat co-conspirators as well.

    There’s a macabe circularity in all this.

    The Democrats infected human bodies so they could infect the body politic.
    The political infection allows the borders of the nation to be opened to all manner of diseases that have evolved elsewhere among unvaxxxed populations, and so infect this nation with evolved
    versions of old diseases and diseases that were hitherto unheard-of here.
    The political infection metastized into the medical community, breaking down the abiility of medical science to even correctly identify, let alone effectively treat, the disease.
    The human body with its borders shattered hosts all manner of invasion it has no way to respond to, so either that or the ineffective but politically acceptable “treatments” finishes the destruction, after a good incubation period.
    The deaths can be listed as literally anything as they can be caused by literally anything, so they can be listed as something only medical tyranny can address once more.
    Then, more power is given to Democrats to further infect the body politic.

    Lather, rinse, repeat.

    I do believe they were quite serious about killing as many of us as they can, preserving only enough to service themselves without threat. But you hear of the occasional shill of a talk show
    host or vaxxx pushing doctor dying after falling for their own con, but it may not be that, it may be that bioweapons don’t necessarily stay within desired boundaries and may occasionally kill
    non-target individuals.

    To illusrate, there’s a (probably apocryphal) scene in “Braveheart” where King Edward, seeing a battle yet undecided before him with his troop and the Scots troops intermingled, orders archers to loose arrows into the mass
    of men. One of his generals mentions that this will kill his OWN men.

    To which he responds; “Yes! But we’ll kill theirs too. We have reserves. Attack!”

    …this is the sort of ruthlessness that the Godless Communist who now glory over us are capable of. Each one worshiping no God higher than himself, following no law above himself, with no concern for anyone but himself,
    not even his fellow travellers.

    They will have their own losses, true. And those will be callously used for propaganda purposes and the victim otherwise swiftly forgotten, for such is the love of their kind.

    But when a nihilist quests for power, there is nothing and no one he will not destroy to get it.

    He cares for nothing but himself.
    None of them do.

    This does not lead to careful thinking or rational decisions. They may well loose a plague that will kill us all. And they have so fogged the field of war that even their own doctors may not be able to save them, being themselves indoctrinated to not look too closely or identify too accurately. They may have done their job a bit too well in that, and with VAIDS to muddle the disease process.

    But in all this, one thing resonated with me more than anything else. I believe it came from Tucker Carlson, but I can’t find the exact quote. It is something on the order of “We have 80 year olds making these desicions
    where we should have younger people who have to live with them making them. Our future is being decided by people who don’t have one”.

    Something like that. And there’s a hard truth there.

    It may well be they are sufficiently evil to not even CARE that it kills them along with us.

    Knowing they will die soon despite their purloined billions and caring for nothing but themselves, they may well choose to kill everyone, themselves as well as us, to simply have one last pleasure of knowing that
    no man will outlive them, that mankind stops with them, and they think to take us to hell with them to appease a waiting devil.

    They reckon not upon the Lord, but being reprobate they likely don’t even THINK of Him.

    And this makes them very, VERY dangerous…

  7. First of all, not getting the ‘real jab’ is the same as not getting the jab.

    For anyone who thinks not getting the real jab means you will get COVID over and over, you are correct. Except you most likely won’t suspect it, writing it off to an annoying sniffle from the same cold viruses you’ve had your whole life. After recovery from your first COVID, it turns out you actually produced all 10 antibodies for COVID’S 10 antigens. For awhile, you are immune to that (and related) strain(s) of COVID.

    Those who do get vaxed DO NOT properly get over COVID with a normal antibody response. The COVID ‘vaccines’ protect against 2 of 10 antigens, thereby contributing to “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (“ADE”). Subsequent exposure to COVID will produce yet another insufficient initial antibody response, resulting in significant illness which can be almost as severe as the first time.

    Trust your healthy body’s immune system! Not healthy? Get there!

  8. Fond memories of the RONA pandemic:

    1) The gene theRapy vaccine killed my dad.

    2) The gene theRapy vaccine caused intermittent
    blindness in my mother.

    3) One of my brothers-in-law sent cajoled my
    wife to get (the) shot; then after she told
    him to get bent, sent said wife an “L.A. Times”
    article about how safe and effective getting
    (the) shot was.

    4) Said brother-in-law’s boyfriend now has
    to have dialysis to compensate for his vaxxed

  9. When the vaccine came out, my wife got vaccinated and urged me to do the same. I refused, not because I was worried about the vaccine (although I had concerns) but because I wasn’t worried about Covid. I knew from the beginning that some kind of scam was underway.

    By the time boosters were available, my wife was starting to see I was probably right and didn’t get any more shots. Today she seems to be as healthy as ever which is a relief. Not everybody is that lucky.


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