25 reasons Trump won’t pay a dime to E. Jean Carroll – IOTW Report

25 reasons Trump won’t pay a dime to E. Jean Carroll

That eye-popping $83 million judgment will not survive an appeal. A proper settlement would subtract at least $82,972,000.

28 Comments on 25 reasons Trump won’t pay a dime to E. Jean Carroll

  1. Just imagine you’re a dentist having to treat this woman; you’d need five chairside assistants just to have someone attest to your every chairside motion; moreso in NYC than any other place – must be something in the water.

  2. Did anyone see that msNBC clip of her paying off Rachel Maddow with a Penthouse Condo and her lawyer with a motorcycle?
    She really appreciates NBC and all their administrators and will show her appreciation on an msNBC broadcast.
    “You get a car, you get a car . . .”

    It was an interesting moment and hopefully it has been DVR’d for posterity.

    Any Links?

  3. It’s my understanding that in New York State if you’re sued in civil court you are required to put a pre determined amount of money in an escrow account. If you lose the plaintiff receives that money immediately. If that’s the case she’s received a bunch of dimes already.

  4. Remember, a young lady was assaulted in the same manner as E Jean Carrol’s claim. The difference is that Biden’s victim went back to work and told the women in the office right after it happened. She also told her mother. AND, best of all, the FBI went after her to shut her up. Applying the E Jean Carrol principal Biden’s victim is entitled to a hell of a lot more than 88 million.

  5. After (she thinks) she won 83 million she said “We’re going shopping”.

    Is that a sign of an unliberated woman or not? Woman gets a ton of money and goes shopping? She probably also climbs on a chair and yells “EEK” when she sees a mouse.

  6. Hypothectics

    If somebody is looking old and frail and dies without heirs,
    who argues over the estate?

    1] In Order: Local, County, State and Federal Lawyers
    2] Structured Settlement Bag Holders and Cryptogrifted Traders

  7. 25 other women claim Trump sexually assaulted them, once a pervert ALWAYS a pervert, Herbert!
    Trump didn’t go to Epsteins “Pedo” Island for the sun.
    He will lose the appeal & there goes his 84 million dollar appeal bond, right down his golden crapper.

  8. Eat shit orange ass-licker I know you love it! Maybe he’ll claim he hired an incompetent attorney, dumbass Alina ‘Towelhead’ Habba was working for the prosecution, bitch didn’t object to any evidence & what she did object to was nonsense. He only hires the best, right. Hopefully he was bonkin her so he at least got sumtin for that $84 million bill.

  9. 🖕you, who the fuck ever said I was arguing with a dumbass like you. Butt hurt 😭 much, here’s a tissue 🤧. See you will never accept the truth cause cause (choke upped) it makes you cry biggly tears, 😭😭🤡.

  10. What a loser you r. What drink’n again? $84 million will be a drop in the bucket to what the fraud trial will fine him. The judge is reassessing his judgment amount because of that $50+ fraudulent loan Trump “Debt Parked” to himself, laugh it up fanboy, we sure the fuck will. Can we start dancing in the streets yet! Not quit yet, we will be waiting till the Supreme Court shoots down his crybaby fake immunity claim.

  11. 16 blows it out of the water. That’s the only valid legal objection. The rest will kill any attempt by the Lefties to turn her into the wxmyn’s heroine this year.

    PS I see Jeffery is back and he’s going all pissy because this one is going nowhere.


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