Born With a Silver Cigar In Her Mouth – IOTW Report

Born With a Silver Cigar In Her Mouth

20110922_cgi_nyc_0430 VIA TWITCHY – By-oqv-IQAEmjt2.jpg-large                                                                                                               -HILLARY CLINTON

REALLY? Was the granddaughter handed a $500,000 make-work assignment at CBS yet? .

13 Comments on Born With a Silver Cigar In Her Mouth

  1. what does that even mean?

    She “thinks” the kid as as much potential as a “boy” born at the same time?


    Any human being should attribute the same potential to any baby born in this country. Automatically.

    Why did she even think that needed to be said?

    Are we still operating in a country where females inherently have less potential than males?

    Who thinks that?

    Oh, wait, she’s a flaming liberal.

    Ok, that makes sense.


    This is just an off-handed sly way of saying that she still thinks SHE (Hillary) could still be president.

    Once again it’s all about her. Even a lame “compliment” for her granddaughter is a disguised boast about her possible presidential ambitions.

  2. Oy!
    Is it Hallowe’en already??
    Did I oversleep THAT long?

    Cause, if it ain’t…a Password would have been appreciated.

    (Wish me luck gagging down my breakfast.)

  3. I had been expecting a litter of puppies from Barry and mike, but I guess this will have to do. Sort of the same difference anyway, though.
    “Virtue is not hereditary”. Tho. Paine

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