25th amendment may come for Biden next. Don Jr. gets the ball rolling. – IOTW Report

25th amendment may come for Biden next. Don Jr. gets the ball rolling.


President-elect Joe Biden’s behavior at the end of a press conference this weekend once again raised questions about his cognitive functions.

After a briefing in which he announced new members of his science team, Biden turned to leave but appeared to be confused about his next steps, as seen in a video shared on Saturday. The Democrat’s actions, and the look of confusion, raised concerns on social media and prompted comments about the 25th Amendment from Donald Trump Jr.

“We’re going to lead with science and truth,” Biden said during a speech in Delaware on Saturday as he introduced his new appointees. “We believe in both.”

At the end of the event, the Democrat noted that he had gone past the allotted time and turned to leave. A video posted by podcast host Josh Lekach showed Biden reaching for a notebook on a nearby table, then looking around a bit confused before walking off the platform. more

SNIP: You can watch the wide angle ‘rebuttal’ video but that doesn’t show the expression on his face when questions are asked of biden. He didn’t know how to answer them, so he left the room.

20 Comments on 25th amendment may come for Biden next. Don Jr. gets the ball rolling.

  1. They don’t even need Don Jr’s help. The Progressive Socialists are salivating like Pavlov’s puppies just waiting for “their turn”. They’ll rid themselves of Joey Basements at the first opportunity.
    Today, We the People are no longer citizens. We are now subjects… no matter who you voted for. There will only be one way out of this mess. It will not be pretty. Sadly, it could have all been avoided.

  2. It’s all theater now. This is the last gasp of the Empire.

    And the elites are doing what always happens at the end of Empires.

    They Loot the Treasury.

    That is what all the money printing is about. The money goes to …..them.

  3. Heretic
    JANUARY 20, 2021 AT 12:35 PM
    “I predict he’ll be shot with an AR15 by a man wearing a MAGA hat while the Secret Service is looking the other way.”

    …probably current or former military or NG, since that can give them the excuse they want to purge the enlisted ranks anyway like “Obama” did the generals, but MUCH more violently…

  4. …the current or former military credentials will all be very fresh and new and no one will be able to find out anything about them, and since they’ll be dead it won’t be like you can ask…

  5. “They Loot the Treasury.

    That is what all the money printing is about. The money goes to …..them.” -Gonad the Barbarian

    The money printing is pure fraud to provide cover for corporate globalists, a dead U.S. Treasury and a corrupt Congress.

  6. There is absolutely zero question that Kamala will not be making policy as president. She was lucky as hell that she checked all the necessary boxes for them to install her as VP, and I know she has been told in no uncertain terms what the deal is.

  7. They won’t 25th Joe. For one thing, it would make THEM — and not those deplorable MAGA-types — the bad guys; and for another, it would prove everyone who said that Joe was just a Trojan Horse for Cameltoe was right. That’s why I said earlier that they’ll probably whack him about two years in. By then (if not much sooner), Joe’s dementia will have progressed to the point that it can’t be concealed or laughed off anymore, and he becomes a real liability. But if they whack him, then they can go into a song and dance about “a beloved elder statesman, who was taken from us by someone steeped in radicalized MAGA extremism” yada yada yada, making possible even greater encroachments that would have been difficult if not impossible to achieve otherwise.


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