26 governors demand Biden meeting over border crisis – IOTW Report

26 governors demand Biden meeting over border crisis

Pfft. Yeah, that’ll happen.
They need to go stand outside the White House and talk shit.
Through a bullhorn. And yell fuck Joe Biden. At 2am.
[This is why I could never run for office. 🤣]


More than two dozen Republican governors are demanding a meeting with President Biden to address securing America’s borders, saying the illegal immigration surge under the current administration has created an “international humanitarian crisis.”

A letter released Monday signed by 26 Republican governors, including Doug Ducey of Arizona, Ron DeSantis of Florida, and Greg Abbott of Texas, asks Biden to schedule a meeting at the White House within the next 15 days so they can have an “open and constructive dialogue regarding border enforcement on behalf of U.S. citizens in our states and all those hoping to become U.S. citizens.”

The governors said border apprehensions are up almost 500% compared to last year, and that approximately 9,700 illegal apprehensions have prior criminal convictions. They said more fentanyl has been seized this fiscal year than the last three years combined and that cartels and human traffickers are making millions by smuggling people and drugs across the border.  more

6 Comments on 26 governors demand Biden meeting over border crisis

  1. A armed, trigger happy, militia needs to patrol the boarder so We the People can establish a mind-set in the persistent invaders and drug runners. Better than a boarder wall.


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