26-Year-Old Graduate Died from Blood Clots on His Brain Less Than Two Weeks After Receiving Covid Shot – IOTW Report

26-Year-Old Graduate Died from Blood Clots on His Brain Less Than Two Weeks After Receiving Covid Shot

Inquest Says Staff ‘Reassured Him’ of No Risks.

15 Comments on 26-Year-Old Graduate Died from Blood Clots on His Brain Less Than Two Weeks After Receiving Covid Shot

  1. If the vaccine is supposedly safe, why is he dead at 26 from blood clots? I will not willingly ever take the COVID vaccine, I’ve still got a lot of my life to live and I’m not risking it on taking an unproven vaccine that could kill me.

  2. “Inquest Says Staff ‘Reassured Him’ of No Risks.”

    How the fuck could there be “no risks”??? EVERYTHING involves SOME degree of risk — walking down the sidewalk, drinking a glass of water, doing your laundry, etc. It may be a LOW risk, but there’s never NO risk.

  3. Too bad our government is in on the murders. Their silence helps murder our young everyday. How many must be sacrificed before doctors take a stand??? Which is worst mass murders or mass abortions??

  4. it isn’t a vaccine
    and what about the 9+ pages of adverse reactions? Aren’t they risks?

    i feel sorry for the guy, but, even though he graduated, he obviously wasn’t real smart
    and now he’s dead
    ‘vaxxinated,’ yes, but also dead

  5. “Inquest Says Staff ‘Reassured Him’ of No Risks.”

    Informed consent is impossible if you perform a medical procedure after lying to a patient this obviously.

    Someone needs to go to jail.

    But won’t.

    Because the government approves of and supports these murders.

  6. Gruesome Newsom just got another clot shot and now has covid for like the 3rd time. He also got Bells Palsy from the last clot shot and he went back for thirds. Why didn’t this happen to Newsom instead of the student? Hmmm, I wonder if the student was a liberal? Probably so, well so much for the student living a long healthy life. Thank your government and your stupidity.

  7. There are still millions that believe the “vaccine” is really a vaccine and it works. I know, I talk to them…through their masks.

    “Oh thank goodness I was jabbed otherwise I’d be dead instead of just hospitalized” said no one with a functioning brain ever.


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