Do dumb things in prison – IOTW Report

Do dumb things in prison

Luciano Gutierrez, 66, was booked into Bell County Jail on Feb. 26, 2015, on his ninth driving while intoxicated charge while wearing a shirt that read, “Warning: I Do Dumb Things.”

Sorry drinkers, this man has to go to prison for a long, long, long, long time. Perhaps life.

Source622x350ht/ dave f.

19 Comments on Do dumb things in prison

  1. 9th DUI? Throw away the fucking key.

    If he’s been caught 9 times, he must be drunk pretty much most of the time. I will bet you my last donut that after he posted bond, the first stop on the way home was a liquor store.

    I didn’t see it mentioned but it’s a wonder, if he didn’t, he hasn’t killed some one.

  2. Alcoholism’s an illness!
    Nothing to do with personal responsibility or choice.
    Would you put a person with chronic bronchitis in prison?
    Or bleeding piles?

    Oh! The humanity! *faints*

  3. Ya, because when you’re sober you have no ability to make arrangements/restrictions/decisions that will keep you from ever getting behind the wheel of a car.
    Oh, how I hate the left.

  4. All seriousness aside, ya gotta ax y’seff why nothing was done after the 2nd or 3rd. Failure of the criminal justice system? Failure of the prosecutor? Spic judge? DUI not as serious an offense as DWI – cops cut him some breaks?

    That ain’t normal. Something’s wrong.

    Ol Ready Freddie back in MD got 7 and died of alcohol poisoning before he could get to trial – on the last one.

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