We’re All Bozos on This Bus, or “Orange is the New Black” – IOTW Report

We’re All Bozos on This Bus, or “Orange is the New Black”

Michelle’s Mirror: 

Here’s one reason Republicans complain about lack of leadership in their party. John Boehner explains his ambitions on Golf TV:

Michelle Obama's Mirror
Michelle Obama’s Mirror

Some people were pushing me to run for the Senate. I decided I didn’t want to do that, and I made a decision that the rest of my career was gonna be in the US House. So the team said to me, “All right, well, the rest of your career’s gonna be in the House. What’s your goal?” I didn’t know! So I said, “Well, if you don’t shoot for the top (snickers), why shoot for anything?” So I set my goal to be speaker.”

Your goal in the House of Representatives was to be speaker? Remember when politicians used to have goals that involved their constituents? Or their party’s platform? Or at least they were smart enough to pretend their goals involved their constituents and party platform? More often than not these days, Democrats and Republicans alike are in it for what it means for them, not us.

Which explains why The Boner yearns for the days before talk radio and multiple news channels started to get into his kitchen: MORE

13 Comments on We’re All Bozos on This Bus, or “Orange is the New Black”

  1. 1 — Cave to Obama
    2 — Cave to the democrats
    3 — Cave to the environmentalists
    4 — Cave to the crony capitalists
    5 — Cave to socialists
    6 — Cave to the illegal aliens
    7 — Cave to CAIR
    8 — Cave to the race hustlers
    9 — Cave to the islamists
    10 — Do the best for the USA, if the first 9 don’t object

  2. For the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred honor. John Hancock.

    I’ll give my pride, liberty, and what little honor I once had, to be Speaker of the House. (Snicker) John Boehner.

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