2nd Afghan Boy Dies of Mushroom Poisoning in Poland – IOTW Report

2nd Afghan Boy Dies of Mushroom Poisoning in Poland


WARSAW, Poland—A second child of an Afghan family evacuated from Kabul to Poland died Friday after eating soup containing death cap mushrooms, which the family had unknowingly gathered in a Polish forest outside their quarantine center.

The 6-year-old boy had received an emergency liver transplant but doctors were unable to save him. His 5-year-old brother was pronounced dead on Thursday at Poland’s main children’s hospital, where both were treated.

The boys’ 17-year-old sister was treated at the hospital and released, in good condition. Doctors said the dose of toxins was less damaging to an adult with larger body mass than to children.

Authorities are investigating whether negligence could have been a factor in the poisoning last week. MORE

16 Comments on 2nd Afghan Boy Dies of Mushroom Poisoning in Poland

  1. In the opening days of Operation Enduring Freedom, the United States dropped prepackaged, culturally neutral humanitarian rations in Northern Afghanistan as a hearts and minds gesture and because of less humanitarian things being dropped elsewhere that were disrupting the supply chain, kind of on purpose.

    The Taliban collected them, poisoned them, then distributed them so they could say the Americans were killing civilians and create distrust of us and punish those who would accept them from us.


    …not saying that has anything to do with this.

    …just saying don’t underestimate the Tali capacity for evil.

    You can’t discount evil in ANYTHING concerning Islamics.

    …it’s baked in, hammered in, it’s kind of their brand…

  2. My mom would always tell us the story of when she was growing up in the tiny town of Adrian, Oregon on the the Snake river across from Idaho back in the 1930’s of some kids who had picked and ate some death cap mushrooms. They didn’t survive, it was a cautionary tale I know told by my mom to let my brothers and I know to be very careful with any kind of plant that if we didn’t know what it was not to eat it.

  3. Francis Schaeffer in one of his Christian apologetics books tells the story of John Cage noted atheist and founder of horrible electronic music with no rhyme or reason that he was also a renowned gatherer and picker of many types of mushrooms. Even he who believed in nothing at all and the total randomness of everything knew what kind of mushrooms were edible and which were poisonous and he was very cautious with his mushroom picking. So much for randomness that an atheist could know the difference between what was good and bad and what kind of mushroom to eat and not to eat. Even atheists can get it right when their life is at stake.

  4. I’m surprised the Afghanis haven’t burned down the refugee center yet, but guess it takes time to acclimate to their new environment. Perhaps Germany can send some old hands across the border.

  5. I am in Poland right now. As we drive down the highway, we see people picking mushrooms in the forests as well as people selling mushrooms on the side of the road.
    This is a beautiful country. I am not tempted to buy roadside mushrooms.
    I did go tosee Ronald Reagan park in Gdansk. They have a statue of Reagan and Pope John Paul II.
    We were in Gdansk on September 1. All the monuments were decorated with flowers and Polish flags.
    We don’t beg for freedom, we fight for it.

  6. When my wife came here from Kazakhstan, the first thing I made sure she understood was to not eat any mushrooms/toadstools and don’t step in fire ants. She learned about the fire ants the hard way, though.

  7. I came out of the cow field one day back in 1975
    with a bag of sun burst shrooms with purple gills.
    They grow out of the cow patty after a good nights
    rain in coastal South Carolina.There was a guy that was
    parked next to me.He showed me a big bag of death caps
    and asked if they were the “right ones”.I might have saved his and his wanna be party crews life….

  8. @geoff the aardvark: I love some of the stories you tell – I guess because I can relate to some of them. I grew up with the story that my father’s mother died from eating death cap mushrooms. He was only 2 yo when she died. Fast forward almost 100 years when my niece decided to get into genealogy. She tracked down my father’s mother’s death certificate. She died of a Fallopian tube pregnancy. So, my father died believing his mother died from eating death caps mushrooms..


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