3.5 Million People Have Been Lifted Off Food Stamps – IOTW Report

3.5 Million People Have Been Lifted Off Food Stamps


President Donald Trump said in remarks at the White House recently that 3.5 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps.

Verdict: True

The number of people receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits declined by 3.6 million since Trump was elected president and 3.1 million since he assumed office.

Fact Check:

Trump mentioned the decline in food stamp recipients, along with a number of other statistics that highlighted the health of the economy, after the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that gross domestic product grew an estimated 4.1 percent in the second quarter of 2018.

“More than 3.5 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps – something that you haven’t seen in decades,” he said.

SNAP benefits, formerly known as food stamps, are vouchers that low-income Americans can use to buy food at approved retailers. States run and administer the program, while the federal government funds the benefits.

Trump didn’t specify the timeframe in which 3.5 million Americans were lifted off SNAP benefits in his remarks Friday, but he has previously cited a decline in food stamp enrollment using the November 2016 election as the starting point.

The most recent figures from the Department of Agriculture show that the number of Americans receiving SNAP benefits has declined by 3.6 million since Trump was elected president. There were 43.2 million people on food stamps in November 2016 and 39.6 million receiving benefits in April 2018.

From January 2017, when Trump took office, to April 2018, the number of SNAP recipients declined by 3.1 million people.  more

7 Comments on 3.5 Million People Have Been Lifted Off Food Stamps

  1. The economy is smoking hot. Except for places like California where they’ve ruined any chance of recovery. Our work comes from the Feds. Anything local is dead. I hear on average of one potential customer a week leaving the state. Our go to plater just lost their largest customer last week. Picked up and moved to Utah. In reality, there’s not much left in California. I anxiously wait for Jerry Browns come to Jesus moment.

  2. There’s nothing good about everyone having 2 jobs and working 60 to 80 hour weeks just to feed a family. Eating is a basic human right, food should be provided by the government for everyone. Allowing folks to source their own food is racist, damaging to society and causes climate change. Understand that my plan provides prepared food, not something you need to cook. We can’t expect minorities and people of color to know how to cook. We’re going to convert all ICE employees to CFMs (Chefs For Minorities).

  3. This is just terrible, TERRIBLE I say. All those government workers who handled SNAP and other ‘entitlements’ will lose, LOSE I say, their jobs and become a burden on the taxpayers! We must stop this madness immediately!

  4. Phuzzy
    WRONG! A Ronny was 100% right when he said in the’82 SotU ” …. Government is the problem!”! the acme of how hard government “workers” work is here in Cal. A DMV “worker” slept 3 hours daily AT WORK for 15 years.
    No Fed “workers” will be fired. hey will just extend their naps to 4 hours a day!


    Who will be paying them to sleep?

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