3 Biological Men Featured in National Women’s History Museum – IOTW Report

3 Biological Men Featured in National Women’s History Museum

Anything you can do men can do better! 🤣

Neon Nettle:

The National Women’s History Museum (NWHM) website’s biography section has featured three biological males who identify as females.

The three featured biographiesare of trans rights activists Cecilia Chung and Andrea Jenkins, and President Joe Biden’s Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine.

Jenkins became the first openly transgender black woman elected to public office in the U.S. in 2017.

Chung, a former drug addict who now lives openly with HIV, is the senior director of strategic initiatives and evaluation at the Transgender Law Center, “the largest national trans-led organization advocating for a world in which all people are free to define themselves and their futures.” more here

7 Comments on 3 Biological Men Featured in National Women’s History Museum

  1. It takes little imagination to picture in the not too distant future a dystopian world where women (real women) have decided that men are an inconvenience, non-essential, and pragmatically more trouble than they are worth, and distill the reproductive process down to a simple in-vitro procedure.

    Men can be held in “milking” complexes. Only the healthy biologically superior stock need to be kept alive and these specimens are kept only as long as they can produce strong motile sperm. The physical act of intercourse is now rendered redundant. A Petrie dish is all that is necessary.

  2. “..free to define their future…”

    That’s a good one! It seems to me they are very much limiting the array of available options by pursuing a life based on their own two-dimensional idea of what is a woman (or a man). The differences are written by our Creator at the molecular level where nothing can change one into the other. I would be so bold as to say that every instance of so-called “trans-genderism” is the result of mental illness or mental deficiency in some shape or form. I know of no homosexual relationships, for example, that have ended well. They are not based on love for another, but on the selfish love, needs, and desires of each party to the arrangement. If homosexuals would simply express their relationships by acknowledging its superficiality, I think they would be happier with their arrangement, but they don’t. They co-opt and project the Ozzie and Harriet “happy family” lifestyle and it’s a universal bust. There’s not a couple of months that go by I don’t think of those two homosexual women who drove six innocent children off a cliff in California all because they couldn’t make their fantasy work.


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