3 Bystanders Shot in Broad Daylight in Times Square by a Man Named Farrakhan Muhammad – IOTW Report

3 Bystanders Shot in Broad Daylight in Times Square by a Man Named Farrakhan Muhammad


Just before five o’clock on Saturday afternoon in Times Square, a man began firing randomly into the crowd, injuring three people, including a four-year-old girl. The “white supremacy is the biggest threat to our nation and we must have gun control” propaganda mill couldn’t even start its wheels turning before the perpetrator was identified as a 31-year-old illegal CD peddler and possible drug dealer Farrakhan Muhammad, who was still at large as of Monday afternoon.

The cops thought they had nabbed the shooter when they zeroed in on a man who matched the description of the man whose image from security cameras had been circulated, but he told them he was actually the shooter’s brother, and gave them the name of the perp. It remains unclear how the NYPD determined that they weren’t really talking with the shooter himself but instead bought his story that his brother did it.


21 Comments on 3 Bystanders Shot in Broad Daylight in Times Square by a Man Named Farrakhan Muhammad

  1. Not possible. Gun free zone. Must be Trump lies or summin’ like that. I’ll have Facebook fact check it so Twit can shut it down.

    And it was White Supremacist anyway. EVERYONE knows THAT, C’mon man!

  2. As society continues to be engineered to break down by the Libtards, a carry permit seems no longer necessary. Hell, all the bad guys are armed. Everyone should start strapping up no matter where you live.

  3. “We have pictures of you from security cameras, you fit all the descriptions…”

    “….Naah, man, that ain’t me.”

    “Ok. Sorry to bother you.”

  4. There is a great Literary Character in Ross Thomas’s Books…

    (Out on the Rim, Voodoo Limited and Chinaman’s Chance)

    “Otherguy” Ogleby …..”It wasn’t Me, it was some other Guy” Even the Local

    Cops called Him Otherguy…

  5. They need to pass some laws against violent criminals owning guns in NYC.

    Or at least against criminals using them in public places if they don’t want to ban the criminals ownership of them.

  6. @Brad

    Well, I’m Fucked!

    In Turdeau’s Canada “Strappin Up” means something ENTIRELY DIFFERENT.
    Think, with lifelike rubber veins or smooth

  7. Notice how when a black guy does a mass shooting that the term “mass shooting” never gets used in the press? It’s always “innocent bystanders”. If you’re shooting at one person in Times Square, you’re shooting at dozens of people in Times Square. The angles of that place make it impossible to do anything less than that.


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