3 enlisted female Marines in ground combat unit – IOTW Report

3 enlisted female Marines in ground combat unit

CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. (AP) — For the first time, the Marine Corps has put three enlisted female Marines in a ground combat unit once open only to men, officials said Thursday.

They will serve as a rifleman, machine gunner and mortar Marine, said 1st Lt. John McCombs, spokesman for the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force at Camp Lejuene.

They report Thursday to the 1st Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, which has had three female officers in its ranks for several months to help integrate the enlisted females into the unit, McCombs said. The women’s names and ranks were not released.

“This process ensures the Marine Corps will adhere to its standards and will continue its emphasis on combat readiness,” McCombs said in an email.  MORE

19 Comments on 3 enlisted female Marines in ground combat unit

  1. “Our country won’t go on forever, if we stay soft as we are now. There won’t be any AMERICA because some foreign soldiery will invade us and take our women and breed a hardier race.” Lt. General Lewis B. “Chesty” Puller, USMC
    That was written long ago. I’m sure that Chesty Puller wouldn’t recognize his country or his Marine Corp after eight years of Ocorpseman’s social engineering. God speed, Donald Trump.

  2. “pregnancy, menstruation and the cramps that come with them.”

    only idiots would think this was a good idea.

    are the new shock troops large groups of menstrualy synced women storming over the ridge?

  3. Probably not a good idea to reject 40,000 years of experience … but hey!

    “The world was naught, before I created it!”
    (Baccalaureate, Faust, JW vGoethe)

    “And to Hell will surely send thee!”
    (Mephistopheles, Faust, JW vGoethe)

    Ah … the Brave, New World!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. the insanity continues, women and men are the same? there is no common sense in this current perverse reconstruction of society and the cost is becoming more clear

  5. MORTAR Marine? You’re shittin’ me, right? Lugging around all that heavy shit is for guys built like fireplugs – short, squat and massively muscled. That broad will probably carry the firing pin or the sight while the rest of the mortar platoon has to carry all the extra shit she should be carrying.

  6. Well now, if hostility counts for anything this might be an ok idea. Men are too eager to get along. I am always amazed by the manners and comportment of men among themselves. Only partly kidding.

  7. All the hard-hitting, smart, ass-kicking heroes out of Hollyweird are all hens – so this makes a lot of sense.
    Come to think of it, why don’t we (guys) just make the hens and faggots defend US, for a change?
    Sit back, have a wine spritzer, watch the shopping channel, eat bon-bons, and cry when the news comes on about how unfair the Universe is?
    We could have, like – Guy Affirmative Action – where we are accepted to any University, regardless of our grades, and (all of us) graduate with “honors” and get high-paying jobs in the Media and Academia. The dumbest cluck in the barnyard could get a Nobel prize for fingering his ass while, simultaneously, picking his nose! We could get on TV and say shit like “moving forward” and “paradigm shift” and “at the end of the day” with a straight face.

    Sorry – I’m done.

    izlamo delenda est …

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