3 More Women Complain About Creepy Encounters With Joe Biden – IOTW Report

3 More Women Complain About Creepy Encounters With Joe Biden

Legal Insurrection: Former Vice President Joe Biden has come under fire recently for inappropriate behavior, which led him to release a video to tell people he “will be more mindful of personal space in the future.”

Just hours after the release, The Washington Post reported that three more women came forward “about encounters with him that made them feel uncomfortable.” That makes the total seven women.

Professor Jacobson noted that even though Biden said that social norms have changed, these accusations have come from his time as vice president.

Here are the three new women:

Vail Kohnert-Yount, a White House intern, in 2013.

Kohnert-Yount told WaPo that one day in 2013, as she tried to leave the West Wing basement, she moved aside for Biden. He extended his hand and introduced himself:

“He then put his hand on the back of my head and pressed his forehead to my forehead while he talked to me. I was so shocked that it was hard to focus on what he was saying. I remember he told me I was a ‘pretty girl,’ ” Kohnert-Yount said in a statement to The Post.

She described feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed that Biden had commented on her appearance in a professional setting, “even though it was intended as a compliment.”

“I do not consider my experience to have been sexual assault or harassment,” she stated, adding that she believes Biden’s intentions were good. “But it was the kind of inappropriate behavior that makes many women feel uncomfortable and unequal in the workplace.”

Sofia Karasek, a sexual assault survivor, had an incident with Biden in 2016.

Karasek went on stage with Lady Gaga at the Oscars in 2016, along with 50 other sexual assault victims. Biden introduced Gaga:

Karasek said as she met Biden after the ceremony, she was thinking about a college student who had been sexually assaulted and recently died by suicide. She decided to share the story with the then-vice president, and Biden responded by clasping her hands and leaning down to place his forehead against hers, a moment captured in a widely circulated photograph.

Karasek said she appreciated Biden’s support but also felt awkward and uncomfortable that his gesture had left their faces suddenly inches apart. She said she did not know how to respond to, as she described it, Biden crossing the boundary into her personal space at a sensitive moment.


2 Comments on 3 More Women Complain About Creepy Encounters With Joe Biden

  1. Somebody, somewhere, is orchestrating a complete hatchet job on Biden to take him out of the presidential picture for the Democrats. Hmmmmmmmmm

    Pass me another large Coke and another large tub of popcorn while I prop my feet up and sit back enjoying the show! 🙂


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