3 Pakistani Men Apprehended in U.S. at Arizona Border – IOTW Report

3 Pakistani Men Apprehended in U.S. at Arizona Border


Three Pakistani men were apprehended after crossing into the U.S. from Mexico in the Tucson Sector. A combination of sources — including official confirmation from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) — revealed the men were in fact apprehended and are currently in U.S. federal custody.

Breitbart Texas sources first released the information and CBP confirmed via email. CPB responded:

U.S. Border Patrol agents in Nogales, AZ, apprehended three Pakistani nationals on Nov. 11. As a standard procedure, agents processed the individuals and checked their identities against numerous law enforcement and national security related databases. Record checks revealed no derogatory information about the individuals. The individuals are currently in Federal custody while they await the outcome of their immigration cases.

Additional information on the individuals was obtained by federal agents working under the umbrella of CBP, but it is important to note that the additional details were not confirmed by CBP.

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8 Comments on 3 Pakistani Men Apprehended in U.S. at Arizona Border

  1. I read at CTH today that obama ordered Homeland Security to shut off the camera surveillance on a stretch of the border. No reason give except that it appears he wants to give as many illegals as possible the chance to get here before January.

  2. Yes. It’s time to put up the wall. But it’s also WAY past time to make it fair, fast, easy, and affordable for good seeds to make it into this country. The INS is a horrible labyrinth of bureaucracy so complicated that lawyers have to get involved to drain the saving’s accounts of, and explain the process to, college educated American sponsors.

  3. @Anonymous: (whichever one of you posted at 8:54): Just so you know, I don’t reply to*, upthumb, or in most cases even read, comments by people labeled anonymous. It’s too confusing. Pick a screenname – it’s not that hard to do.

    (* – I made an exception in your case so I could tell you this.)

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