3 U.S. Army soldiers ran guns to Chicago – IOTW Report

3 U.S. Army soldiers ran guns to Chicago

Fort Campbell Soldiers Arrested For Gunrunning. Extremists? No, Black Soldiers From Chicago.


CBS has the news about some soldiers arrested by the ATF. Extremists, you ask? No, they’re black soldiers selling guns to black street people in Chicago.

3 Soldiers Stationed At Fort Campbell Charged With Funneling Guns To Chicago; Prosecutors Say Some Were Used In Mass Shooting In March

By Charlie De Mar, CBS Chicago, May 11, 2021

CHICAGO (CBS) — Three U.S. Army soldiers who took an oath to defend this country stood charged Tuesday night with running guns to Chicago.

As CBS 2’s Charlie De Mar reported, some of those weapons were linked to a recent mass shooting.

Demarcus Adams, 21; Jarius Brunson, 22; and Brandon Miller, 22, were charged Tuesday with conspiracy and other offenses by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Middle District of Tennessee.

They are accused of funneling guns back to the city from Fort Campbell on the Kentucky-Tennessee line where they are stationed.

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16 Comments on 3 U.S. Army soldiers ran guns to Chicago

  1. The Eric Holder gun running franchise may be a little extravagant for the three soldiers needs. They should consider something the size of a homespun BBQ or chitlins franchise


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