3 Women Accuse Gordon Sondland of Sexual Misconduct – IOTW Report

3 Women Accuse Gordon Sondland of Sexual Misconduct

This is according to the AFP. Note how in the article they make it sound like Sondland is a #1 Trump fan. He’s not. Never was. He is a political whore who donated to lefties as well as RINOs.

[…] Sondland was widely described as a Trump donor who bought his way to an ambassadorship, only to dump Trump to save himself.

But the facts are somewhat more complicated. Sondland never actually donated to Trump’s presidential campaign. In fact, he donated to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

“Gordon Sondland, the chairman of Provenance Hotels and a big supporter of the extended Bush family … gave $2,700 to the early favorite to capture the GOP nomination, Jeb Bush, and $22,000 to Bush’s super PAC, Right to Rise, last cycle, but none to Trump,” OpenSecrets.org reported.

Sondland had also backed Mitt Romney and John McCain — and had also supported various Democratic politicians. more here

See? A complete elitist whore. He gave Trump a mil for his inauguration, hoping to be noticed for a job. Because that’s how ambassadorships work. Some pimp brings a name to a POTUS and swears to him how great X is and then he/she gets the job. You know… like whores. We need to cut that shit out.

Anyway, on to the story:

Washington (AFP) – A US ambassador nominated by President Donald Trump who provided key testimony in his impeachment hearings was accused Wednesday of sexual misconduct by three women.

Gordon Sondland, the US envoy to the European Union, denied the allegations, with his lawyer alleging that the accusers were trying to taint his credibility in the inquiry.

The Portland Monthly published named accounts by three women who said that Sondland, a wealthy hotel owner from Seattle, retaliated against them professionally after they rejected him sexually.

One of the women, Jana Solis, said she met Sondland in 2008 when she was seeking work in her position as a safety expert for hotels.

She said Sondland met her for lunch and offered her a job as “my new hotel chick” before slapping her rear.

She said Sondland later invited her to his Portland home to evaluate his personal art collection — which included a picture of himself with then president George W. Bush — and that he exposed himself in the pool house.

She said Sondland at a later meeting also forcibly kissed her.

Another woman, Nicole Vogel, said she met Sondland in 2003 over dinner to seek investment in a new magazine.

He then took her to a hotel he owned and invited her to see a room, where he requested a hug and then “grabs my face and goes to kiss me,” she said. MORE

SNIP: Real accusations or not- This isn’t happening because Sondland is a Trump supporter. This is because he couldn’t do what Schiffty Schiff wanted him to do. Verbally assassinate POTUS during the Shampeachment hearings.

13 Comments on 3 Women Accuse Gordon Sondland of Sexual Misconduct

  1. He didn’t lie about what Trump said as ordered to; so this is happening. Next, they’ll claim he was lying in his testimony about Trump and these accusations somehow “prove” he’s a liar. It never stops with these democrat motherfuckers… ever.

  2. We need a new law. If a woman accuses a high profile man of sexual assault her naked picture, front and back, will be posted on line. If she gets enough thumbs up than the charges can proceed. VOTE FOR ME AND ILL SET YOU FREE.

  3. Generally I’m skeptical of #metoo moments, but in this case I’ll give the women the benefit of the doubt.
    I had a visceral dislike of Sondland when he first opened his mouth, which grew into disgust the longer he spoke.


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