3-Year-Old Lost in Forest: I ‘Hung Out with a Bear for 2 Days’ – IOTW Report

3-Year-Old Lost in Forest: I ‘Hung Out with a Bear for 2 Days’


A three-year-old boy who went missing in a North Carolina forest for two days said he “hung out with a bear” to keep company while his family and hundreds of others searched for him.

The boy’s aunt, Breanna Hathaway, revealed in a Thursday evening Facebook post that the boy, Casey, told authorities and his parents while recovering in the hospital that he spent time with a bear over the two days he went missing.

“Casey is healthy, smiling, and talking. He said he hung out with a bear for two days God sent him a friend to keep him safe,” Hathaway said in a Facebook post Thursday evening, shortly before the post became unavailable.  more here

h/t Bad_Brad.

23 Comments on 3-Year-Old Lost in Forest: I ‘Hung Out with a Bear for 2 Days’

  1. Bears hibernate, for months. So many cliches. How they wake up, most relative one, and still makes the most sense. Thank the stars Casey did not wake up the same way,,

  2. The kid has a great imagination or he only remembers seeing a bear in the area. Then again, maybe God did command a bear to keep the little guy occupied until he was rescued.
    Any how, there had to be an unseen angel with him, because it’s a miracle he survived.

  3. “Now he will be able to answer the ancient question about bears and their bathroom location.”

    …well, since the answer to the companion question about “Is the Pope Catholic” would seem to be “NO”, I suppose that leaves ALL such conventional wisdom up for question now, @TP…

  4. David Paulides will have this story in another of his books. Kids have reported the same with wolves keeping them warm while spending nights in sub zero weather. Something’s very odd going on.

  5. One of my Uncles who was an outdoorsy backwoods type always told my son when he was little that he would take him bear hunting with him. It never happened because my uncle died too soon to take him bear hunting. One of my relatives also shot a bear once when I was a kid and all I remember was the bear meat was incredibly greasy. I am glad this little boy survived this ordeal and wonder if when he grows up he’ll have a wild imagination about being saved by God first and an angel bear.

  6. “…God sent him a friend to keep him safe,” Hathaway said in a Facebook post Thursday evening, shortly before the post became unavailable.

    Facebook censoring any reference to The Almighty.


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