3 Years Ago Today – IOTW Report

3 Years Ago Today

The ultimate disruption.


20 Comments on 3 Years Ago Today

  1. (Waay off topic – lol)

    I’m busy all day long and check in to see what’s happening.

    No birthday wish for me?


    Maybe I should go all Menderman and be butt hurt! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    (Back on topic)

    We are so lucky he won. Reading an all lefty thread on Twitter, you see how deranged they are accusing him of every little thing. Even things they do themselves are horrible crimes against humanity now with falsely accusing PDJT of it.

  2. Phil? What’d I miss?

    Thank you Jethro and Loco!

    Jethro, I can feel the lethargy now from gobbling on one of those cakes. Conflicted about eating a work of art though…

  3. They laughed at Trump but fell all over themselves for a Marxist narcist hope and change, I’m going to lower the oceans loser that had a stage put together to resemble an Ancient Greek temple. Who exactly is the clown?!

  4. Something I noticed on YouTube today. They are still making new election day videos about the butthurt everyone had.

    You can see the mass joy in all the comments. lol

    Proof he still has a lot of support if people who want clicks keep making them 😀

  5. Meant to include- flashback of media response.

  6. OT Related
    The first block of tonights Fox Watters World was brilliant. Mike Huckabee hits a Homer.
    Must see TV.
    Catch repeats overnight.
    JJ & GG still to come.

  7. I participated in a Trump rally before the election–never done anything like that before. I also ordered Trump buttons and passed them out. I “ruined my reputation” with our town’s lefty morons who really came out. They ordered anti-Trump books and traded them after they finished them. And they bought “count down clocks” that are not properly programmed for a full 2 terms LOL This is a small place where everybody knows each other LOLOLOL

  8. I’m snagging the the first comment under this story at CTH because it’s SO good and it says it all:

    Ospreyzone says:
    June 16, 2018 at 8:03 pm

    If you love this president, then it’s time you start fighting for him. Don’t miss 1-day in calling your Congressmen or Senator and voicing support for PDJT’s agenda. Write letters to the editor often. Don’t avoid loudmouth liberals – engage them and make your argument clear. Wear your MAGA hat proudly in public. Send a few bucks to a local politician that unabashedly endorses PDJT and supports conservative principles consistently. Commit to spending 10-15 minutes per day helping this president in any way you can. If you have any other ideas, let everyone know.

    Simply complaining among friends at CTH will not defeat the massive resistance supported by socialists and liberal elites. Our children and grandchildren deserve more effort than that. If we do not find our voices, then the deep state wins. As Ross Perot once said, …”It’s just that simple.”


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