30 Condemnable Acts House Democrats Should Add to Their “Anti-Hate” Resolution – IOTW Report

30 Condemnable Acts House Democrats Should Add to Their “Anti-Hate” Resolution

WFB: Rather than vote to condemn freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) for her habitual displays of anti-Semitism, House Democrats are preparing to vote on a bold, all-encompassing “anti-hate” resolution.

In other words, a meaningless display of watered-down criticism masquerading as vague “wokeness” — the sort of feel-good declaration that is typically confined to student councils or those pioneering city governments that are always trying to join the Geneva Convention or the Paris Climate Accord.

The Democrat Party’s bizarre decision, in response to the surprisingly aggressive pushback from Rep. Omar’s defenders, raises a number of questions, namely: Why stop at “hate” alone? Aren’t there plenty of other deplorable acts and emotions worth condemning?

The answer is yes. Here are 30 additional items House Democrats should consider including in their resolution.

1. People who walk too slowly in public

Get out of the way, moron!

2. Soccer “injuries”

No one has ever sustained an actual injury playing soccer. On your feet, crybaby! It’s disrespectful to the fans.

3. Soccer “fans”

Pretending to be cultured by enjoying a sport that America doesn’t absolutely dominate on the world stage is tantamount to treason, and it’s time to get serious and start treating it as such.

4. Clothing requirements on airplanes

It’s your seat! You paid for it!

5. Journalists who tweet about air travel

Learn to code, and maybe you’ll get rich enough to afford a private jet. Until then, no one cares. Shut up!

6. The phrase “just kidding”

It’s the classic “bully’s retreat,” where verbal assailants take refuge. If it’s not immediately obvious that you’re actually kidding, don’t say it!

7. Movies with flawed protagonists

I think we can all agree: “Gran Torino” would have been a much more inspiring artistic achievement if Clint Eastwood’s character had died in prison after being prosecuted for racial harassment.

8. Movies with sympathetic villains

How many people who watched “The Americans” found themselves wishing that the Russians had won the Cold War? Enough to fill a second Guantanamo, probably!

9. The New England Patriots



6 Comments on 30 Condemnable Acts House Democrats Should Add to Their “Anti-Hate” Resolution

  1. 31. People who use the word “LITERALLY” incorrectly, like a clearly alive Democrat saying, “when I heard Nancy were going to be mean to a Muslim, I literally died.”

  2. 33. Millenial remakes of classic movies because there are no new ideas. This goes with millenials STILL digging stars like Freddie Mercury even though he was dead before they were born. I didn’t watch Bix Beiderbecke retrospectives when I was a kid. Get off my lawn and get your OWN stars, you whippersnappers!

  3. This episode wreaks of being a set-up so more expansive anti-hate laws can be enacted to criminalize criticism or negative expressions against any and all religions, or members thereof. Except of course, Christianity and Christians. Bible teachers get arrested by SWAT teams? Political cartoonists get sent to re-education camps? What is happening is just a continuation of creating a Communist government with the US Congressional members ALL on aboard. Skirmishes between members are likely staged acts for media propaganda to feed the deceived public. Can’t trust any of these political liars in Congress.


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