P***Y – IOTW Report


obama total pussy

h/t Q.

32 Comments on P***Y

  1. obama has never shed a tear for the thousands of Warriors who died in the Middle East……, that is….US Warriors, military retirees or veterans that go to the VA.

    obama’s words, emotions and actions are nothing but lies.
    Betrayal is obama’s legacy.

  2. Ever see anyone cry and only have tears coming from one eye. This fraud was obviously wiping some kind of irritant into his eye to produce the watering. He’s a liar and a fraud!

  3. The community organizer/so called “president” whimpers and fingers his play like tears about guns, BUT he’s a big tough dude about defending and funding Planned Parenthood and the slaughter of innocent little babies being stabbed in the brain during partial birth abortion, and tiny aborted babies being kept alive in order to harvest their organs and suffering being tortured to death in that process, and all abortions, not one pretend tear for them.

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