LA wants local income tax – IOTW Report

LA wants local income tax

CPR: Members of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors have suggested an income tax on millionaires dedicating the money for homelessness relief.

california republic

Opening the door for local governments to impose income taxes would erode the state’s major fund raising mechanism, burden taxpayers with more paperwork, hit small businesses whose owners pay business taxes through personal income taxes, and subject more government revenue to a highly volatile revenue source. All in all a bad idea.

Last week, when Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed the bill that would have permitted local governments to levy cigarette taxes, he complained that there already are too many taxes on the coming ballot. A push for an income tax would increase the volume of tax measures facing voters.

Yesterday, the L.A. Board of Supervisors put off for one week a motion to ask county lobbyists to try and convince legislators to change the law that prohibits local jurisdictions from imposing an income tax.  more

15 Comments on LA wants local income tax

  1. If they really wanted to do something about homelessness and stick millionaires with the bill then ask for volunteer successful, multi-millionaire real businessmen (not any of the Hollywood lefties) to form a group to eradicate the problem with their own money (tax deductible) and skills. I’ll bet more then a few would step up to the challenge and by keeping the government out would actually solve the problem faster and better then the local government and their union F*ck buddies could.

  2. Moonbeam better hurry up and build that fucking wall around Commiefornication before the last few people with money and hint of intelligence bug the fuck out.

  3. All taxes based on income are immoral.

    Taxes should be based on the necessities of the gov’t and on individuals’ willingness to pay. ALL taxes should have a sunset clause, none existing past the election cycle of the maggots who passed them, and ALL taxes should be brought before the voters, and only passed with a 7/8 majority, each cycle. And ALL taxes should be applicable to ALL citizens – for each citizen (allegedly) is benefited by the same taxes.

    THAT would be fair and equitable taxation.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Remember Linda Ronstadt and her song to Brown? Your so vain….
    Just like his father was- stupid. I’ve lived in this same town (area) since I was five. My dad hated the browns and tried to talk mom into moving but she said no. 🙁 bad decision on her part and even worse on mine for staying. Oh well– home is where you make it. Have a nice day. 🙂

  5. Why limit it to Los Angeles? Why not ask for authorization to put the hit on those two Seattle models of compassion, open borders and sharing the wealth pimple puss Zuckerberg and Willie boy Gates!
    Pretty sure the California Legislature would favor that bold thinking initiative by a local government!

  6. Leftist paradises like Los Angeles and Seattle survive because they are beautiful places to live, so those with money actually tolerate the absurdities they have to put up with. But there is a breaking point.

    If Los Angeles enacted an income tax, I think you might see that breaking point, with anyone with money and brains moving out beyond the municipal reach (or possibly out-of-state).

    Let the last person turn out the lights.

  7. California’s broke, local goernments broke. And now the diminshing tax base will diminish some more.

    @Buffalbob – At least they
    are semi-localized on the west coast. Easier to wall off from the rest of the country.

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