3/4ths of Ohio Obamacare enrollees are on Medicaid – IOTW Report

3/4ths of Ohio Obamacare enrollees are on Medicaid


For every Ohioan who has paid an Obamacare exchange premium, three have been added to Medicaid under Gov. John Kasich’s Obamacare expansion.


As of June 30, only 188,223 Ohioans had selected and paid for a health insurance plan through HealthCare.gov. Enrollment in Kasich’s Obamacare expansion was 609,373 in June.

Obamacare expansion put working-age adults with no kids and no disabilities on Medicaid — a welfare program meant for children, impoverished families, the elderly and the disabled.
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9 Comments on 3/4ths of Ohio Obamacare enrollees are on Medicaid

  1. 3% of the nation’s population is enrolled in Obamacare. Well that’s a success.

    I also learned “catastrophic” is a type of metal, I thought it was an adjective. Who knew?

    One thing for sure, something is setup to fail to rush in single payer; it will be a crisis and we will thank our leaders for their swift action.

    I’m going to go puke now..

  2. So what happens when the Medicaid subsidies stop? Why, Ohioans get to pay ALL the cost for Ohio (Obamacare) Medicaid, of course. Glad I don’t live there. WI didn’t buy the bait-and-switch snake oil O’Holiest was swilling.

  3. Burner unfortunately I live in Ohio and we’ll all be royally screwed in 2 years. You can bet in 2 years John Boy will be nowhere around. Maybe he’ll take a nice cushy ambassadorship in Libya.

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