35 Muslim store owners arrested in federal raids – IOTW Report

35 Muslim store owners arrested in federal raids

[…] A federal grand jury has indicted 35 store owners on federal conspiracy charges for trafficking contraband cigarettes, distributing controlled substances and money laundering.

According to reports, the suspects conspired for more than 2 years to buy contraband cigarettes in St. Louis, a low tax market, while transporting and distributing them in Chicago, Illinois, and New Jersey, which are high tax markets.

The store owners are accused of using several convenience stores that they operated to create the appearance of legal cigarette purchases.

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14 Comments on 35 Muslim store owners arrested in federal raids

  1. I don’t have a problem with anybody avoiding the “sin” tax in one state by using another.

    Why should it be a crime to buy cheap booze/cigs/60 oz sugary drinks legally, then transport across state lines for profit?

    It sounds like a good business model to me.

  2. That’s going to cramp the style of a few local “Islamic centers”. Might even lead to vandalism and arson for insurance payouts at a couple of them Wouldn’t be the first time by a long shot.

  3. I’d always wondered why the Market Owners were Stinky and Poorly dressed,
    when the Gas Station owners wear Expensive Clothes that look poor & also Stink- of Polo with Body Odor !

  4. If they only had jobs they wouldn’t want to kill us. I guess Marie Barf didn’t think it through to the next conclusion in that no matter what we do to appease, aid or support this vermin, it’s all about conquering the infidel, one way or another.

  5. Same issue in Virginia, with New Yorkers and other northern states with confiscatory cigarette taxes. They’ve created a criminal syndicate that bleeds outside their borders into our state.

  6. I’m just glad muslims are being treated the same as the rest of us would. Altho they’ll probably just get a warning or suspended sentence where we’d get jail.

  7. I bet at least a quarter of those arrested had overstayed their visas by at least a decade. And for the first time in a decade, we have a President who will shoot straight with us if that is the case.

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