Gorsuch Gets a Unanimous Vote, Gives a Grammar Lesson – IOTW Report

Gorsuch Gets a Unanimous Vote, Gives a Grammar Lesson

NTK_ There will be plenty of times in Justice Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court career when he disagrees with some of his colleagues, but his first written opinion on the Court was a unanimous decision.

Gorsuch wrote the “unanimous Court” opinion, decided on Monday, in a case called Henson et al. v. Santander Consumer USA, Inc.

Bloomberg reported on the case:

Writing for a unanimous court, Gorsuch said the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act doesn’t authorize lawsuits against companies that buy defaulted loans from another lender. The ruling is a victory for a Santander Consumer USA Holdings Inc. unit, blocking claims by people who defaulted on their auto loans.

According to Bloomberg, Gorsuch also offered the plaintiffs a grammar lesson:  MORE

8 Comments on Gorsuch Gets a Unanimous Vote, Gives a Grammar Lesson

  1. One can only hope he maintains his strength of conviction of a Lanza versus a malleable typical Republican appointed judge on the court like Chief Justice Roberts, et al.

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