The Atlantic Says Conservatives Must Vote for Democrats to Save The Republican Party – IOTW Report

The Atlantic Says Conservatives Must Vote for Democrats to Save The Republican Party

Truth Revolt: Two self-described non-partisan independents penned an article for the March issue of The Atlantic which argues there is only one way for conservatives to save the Republican Party from certain death and that is to vote straight Democrat across the board in future elections.

Boycott the Republican Party,” Jonathan Rauch’s and Benjamin Wittes’s headline screams. “If conservatives want to save the GOP from itself, they need to vote mindlessly and mechanically against its nominees.”

That’s the basic advice, but both Rauch and Witte have much more to say about it. But first, a little about themselves:

We have both spent our professional careers strenuously avoiding partisanship in our writing and thinking. We have both done work that is, in different ways, ideologically eclectic, and that has—over a long period of time—cast us as not merely nonpartisans but antipartisans. Temperamentally, we agree with the late Christopher Hitchens: Partisanship makes you stupid. We are the kind of voters who political scientists say barely exist—true independents who scour candidates’ records in order to base our votes on individual merit, not party brand.

But then came Donald Trump and thus, partisanship became a “moral necessity:” more here

26 Comments on The Atlantic Says Conservatives Must Vote for Democrats to Save The Republican Party

  1. This from strenuous commies….. er non-partisans. I don’t know how to do the line-out thing 🙁

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Wow. OK you’ve convinced me.

    Voting Democrat from now on. The country can only be saved by Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Maxi pad, et al.

    Of course no conservative reads Atlantic so it will be sadly missed by the audience the writers pretend to be doing outreach to.

    This is just pitiful desperation.

  3. Precisely what the Bush-Rove syndicate told us 10/16; “To save the GOP all “good” (my quotes) Republicans must vote for Clinton!” (actually Yeb! told us that in 6/16; the rest of the Clan and Karl panicked after she declined to go to Mex.

    Well the Bush Clan were wrong. We voted Don and not only won the Wh; but added in both houses!

    “Self described” moderates + independents are just progressive Bush folk! Liars! aka “5th columnists!

  4. From the article: “The rule of law is a threshold value in American politics, and a party that endangers this value disqualifies itself, period.”

    Better not vote democrat then.

  5. And I disapprove this message:

    The Republican Party, as an institution, has become a danger to the rule of law and the integrity of our democracy. The problem is not just Donald Trump; it’s the larger political apparatus that made a conscious decision to enable him. In a two-party system, nonpartisanship works only if both parties are consistent democratic actors.

  6. @F4UCorsair
    Your strychnine comment reminds me of Patrick Henry, who was gravely ill. Doctor prescribed him to drink mercury as a cure. 18th century medicine wasn’t great.

    PH remarked that his fingernails were turning blue and then he croaked.

  7. Sounds like McCONnell’s strategy.
    He’s been successful in getting RINOs and democrats elected as Senators and obstruct President Trump’s vision of America.

    McCONnell’s bi-partisan approach produces nothing, Trump’s stalled and lingering Agency and Judicial appointments and a 2 year budget bill with no amendments, that no one has read and will further increase the national debt with no cuts of waste and corruption.

    And RINO Ryan in the House wants to pass a DACA deal for illegal immigrants to get democrat support for McCONnell’s bi-partisan budget busting spending deal.

    Republican’s need to clean their own house first. Start with electing conservative candidates followed with a change of leadership.

  8. I wondered what happened to MAD MAGAZINE, they changed their name.

    #NeverTrumpers have been spouting this line since President Trump declared. Didn’t work, doesn’t work, and will never work, because conservatives are not mindless robots, spouting talking points, or stabbing voters in the back, or group-think lemmings.

    I lost count of republicans who told me to vote Hillary, because Trump was unbelievable. Vote for a known criminal? No thank you. And not to vote for Trump; might as well vote for the bitch!

    It is amazing and frustrating how much corruption has exposed itself under President Trump being railroaded by the left. The more they scream, the more their vibrations seem to shake another piece of buried swamp debris or skeleton loose, to float to the top of the swamp. The stench is overwhelming.

  9. I have a friend who pretty much says the same thing, but for different reasons. He believes it’s too late to save the country, and trying to by voting will only prolong the agony.

    And the the best thing to do is hurry the crash, by voting for the Demonrats & RINOs. Then the stress of the collapse will kill off political correctness and the lack of common sense. And also kill off most of the trouble makers. Only then can the country be restored. I try not to be that pessimistic. I just can’t get myself to follow his advice, not yet. But some days I have to wonder if he isn’t correct. Hoping that he is not. It takes too many generations to recover.

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