38 Florida Sheriffs Demand Andrew Gillum Withdraw Anti-Cop Pledge – IOTW Report

38 Florida Sheriffs Demand Andrew Gillum Withdraw Anti-Cop Pledge

Breitbart: Thirty-eight elected Florida Sheriffs on Thursday called on Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum to “immediately and unequivocally withdraw” his support for a radical organization’s “Freedom Pledge” that refers to anti-police rhetoric.

The letter to Gillum from the sheriffs reads:

We, the undersigned members of Florida’s law enforcement community, ask that you immediately and unequivocally withdraw your pledge to the organization, Dream Defenders. After learning of this organization’s disturbing and anti-law enforcement position and statements, we believe that any candidate wishing to lead our state should in no way be aligned with this radical group.

The pledge you signed not only calls for you to defund police and prisons, but the papers that accompany this pledge wrongly claim, “Police were never meant to protect and serve me and you…Police and prisons have no place in ‘justice’…Police and prisons aren’t just racist but they work to enforce the separations of rich and poor.”

We believe you will agree that anyone seeking to be Florida’s next Governor should support the men and women who put on a badge daily and risk their lives to protect their communities.

The pledge in question is a project of Dream Defenders, an anti-Israel, anti-capitalist group with which Gillum has evidenced a longtime close personal and professional relationship.  read more

10 Comments on 38 Florida Sheriffs Demand Andrew Gillum Withdraw Anti-Cop Pledge

  1. “…immediately and unequivocally withdraw your pledge…”
    Fat chance. Gillum at most will say that he disagrees with some of Dream Defenders positions but that the organization does good work that he supports.

  2. Thirty-eight elected Florida Sheriffs on Thursday called on Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum to “immediately and unequivocally withdraw” his support for a radical organization

    “You’ve heard what he said about my momma!
    Now I demand he apologize to my momma!

    Or, better yet, be at the Okeefauxdokee Arena, this Tuesday!” (Tuesday, Tuesday) “And see what happens.
    You’ll have to pay for the whole seat. But you’ll only need the edge!”

  3. Damn, now that the police want Gilliam to retract a pledge he’s going to go into another diatribe of the ” It’s only because I’m black”. His campaign has been reduced to the usual race card trash.


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