38-Year-Old Black Man Who Brutally Beat 65-Year-Old Asian Woman Is Convicted Murderer On Parole – IOTW Report

38-Year-Old Black Man Who Brutally Beat 65-Year-Old Asian Woman Is Convicted Murderer On Parole

He was on parole after murdering his own mother in 2002

21 Comments on 38-Year-Old Black Man Who Brutally Beat 65-Year-Old Asian Woman Is Convicted Murderer On Parole

  1. California went out of their way this time to prevent the “rooftop Koreans” from the Rodney King trial repeating itself.

    Look at how that worked out. Now all the Asians are being targeted and Honkies are getting blamed rather than the systematically oppressed…

  2. LocoBlancoSaltine MARCH 31, 2021 AT 6:38 PM

    Actually I don’t think there is a deterrent for animals like that. Short of eliminating them from the gene pool.

    Possibly thought he was doing his mother all over again. And they walk amongst us…

  3. I watched the press conference today with the NYDA proudly proclaiming how rigorous he will prosecute this creep. How refreshing, a DA that understands and is willing to actually do his job, putting bad guys away. He compatriots in LA, SF, Chicago and Baltimore wonder that the hell is wrong with this guy.

    His enthusiasm and zeal couldn’t have anything to do with the victim’s ethnicity, could it?

  4. NY leaders are crazy. Sure you can trust a killer to walk the streets among un-armed innocents. And they want to take our guns so we can’t defend ourselves. Duh. NYers keep voting for fools.

  5. Maybe he thought she called him a ni99er?
    You know how those “Asians” talk.

    Not his fault.

    His damned mother never gave him a puppy and this “Asian” woman didn’t either.
    Or they “dissed” him. Could be he’s got a screw loose. Whatever.
    At least he didn’t attack a fag or a moslem.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. LocoBlancoSaltine March 31, 2021 at 6:38 pm

    I seriously hope some Asians start shooting a bunch of blacks dead in the face.
    Might stop this shit in it’s tracks…

    What about white people? Not a day goes by without one of Obama’s son killing or maiming a white person. Just read where Obama’s son was in prison for 24 years for being a serial killer. He brutally killed a 9 year old white boy. He got 3 hots and a cot for 24 years. He died of a brain tumor. I suppose he didn’t breed during those 24 years, I hope it was a painful death for him.

  7. @Burr

    I’m not hating Asians.

    Watch Grand Torino, despite the little bastard actor turning on Eastwood this month.

    Asians believe in Family.
    Family gives purpose.
    Purpose creates success.
    This is why the Lefties Hate the family and try to destroy it.

    I hate Communists OPENLY! Don’t care what country.

  8. Goldenfoxx, that murderer was Joseph Duncan who brutally murdered the Groene family in 2005 in N Idaho and kidnapped their daughter before being finally caught at a convenience store in Wallace, Idaho. The girl now in her early 20’s was the only survivor. Joseph Duncan was on federal death row and died at a Supermax prison in Indiana from a brain tumor. I have nothing good to say about this bastard who murdered an innocent family and kidnapped their daughter. He got what he deserved before the Feds ever would’ve put him to death.

  9. The progs who let him ours were only doing what progs instinctivelydo, increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death.

    The root cause of their actions is always the same. I know I sound like a broken record, but it is what it is. That is all there is to say on that subject. Increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death is what motivates them. Give them the opportunity to implement their agenda and show me where it does not ultimately lead to increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death and I might be open to consider another explanation as having greater validity, but not until then.

    They worship the Prince of Darkness and are actively and unrepentantly hostile to The Good. Pleasing their master is what this whole Satanic charade of hellish intent cloaked behind a mask of social justice is all about.

  10. Just a few days ago, a Texas State Trooper responded to a call for a stranded motorist. He pulled up behind the disabled car, then the driver (another Obama son) got out and shot the trooper in the head and abdomen. He then fled on foot and was found later, dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The trooper was brain dead, and was kept on life support long enough to harvest his organs. I’m glad the shooter offed himself. Taxpayers won’t be housing and feeding him while he sits on death row for 15 years.

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