Latin American Bishops Decry ‘Shameful’ Attacks on Pope – IOTW Report

Latin American Bishops Decry ‘Shameful’ Attacks on Pope

Breitbart: The Catholic bishops of Latin America have reacted strongly to allegations that Pope Francis knowingly rehabilitated a cardinal guilty of serial sex abuse, calling the accusations a “shameful” attack on the pope.

During a meeting last Sunday in Medellín, Colombia, the president of the Latin American bishops’ council (CELAM) said that in the past adversaries attacked the institution, and “today they attack the person.”

Pledging the loyalty of the Latin American bishops to Pope Francis, who is “weighed down with thorns and sacrifices but strengthened by the balsam of grace,” Cardinal Ruben Salazar, the archbishop of Bogotá, said that the pontiff is being attacked “we could almost say, in a shameful way.”

The bishops present at Medellín for a meeting celebrating the 50th anniversary of an important regional Church gathering in that city in 1968 joined Cardinal Salazar in signing a statement of support for Pope Francis and gratitude for his ministry as pope.

A growing group of prelates, including the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), has been calling for a formal investigation into the allegations brought by the former papal nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò.

Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo said the allegations that Pope Francis turned a blind eye to sexual abuse committed by Cardinal Theodore McCarrick merited an impartial investigation.

“The recent letter of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò brings particular focus and urgency to this examination,” Cardinal DiNardo wrote in a statement posted last Sunday on the USCCB website.

“The questions raised deserve answers that are conclusive and based on evidence,” he said. “Without those answers, innocent men may be tainted by false accusation and the guilty may be left to repeat sins of the past.” read more

28 Comments on Latin American Bishops Decry ‘Shameful’ Attacks on Pope

  1. The next pope needs to be someone from the 12th or 13th century. Those guys knew what to do with the Muslim problem, not to embrace it in the spirit of
    multiculturism like this pope has.
    When silence is called for the present pope always seems to say the wrong thing. When millions of followers hang on the popes every word as if they came directly from god a more judicious attitude would be refreshing.

  2. The Latin American Catholic Bishops creed for helping the poor, destitute and lowly in life is to send them to the United States (fees generously accepted) for charitable alms coerced by the federal government from the American taxpayer!

  3. Just so interesting.

    In an April 2014 letter from Orthodox Church leaders, Pope Francis is called out as a heretic, including 26 points of Roman Catholic heresy. The Orthodox Fathers beg him to return to the One True Christian Church of Salvation, and reunite the Church.

    A Letter to Pope Francis Concerning His Past, the Abysmal State of Papism, and a Plea to Return to Holy Orthodoxy, by His Eminence, the Metropolitan of Piraeus, Seraphim, and His Eminence, the Metropolitan of Dryinoupolis, Andrew, both of the Church of Greece.

  4. catholics
    praying to a woman instead of CHRIST
    using homosexuals as priests
    using pedos as priests

    who would go for this religion
    or any man made religion

    read and study the BIBLE for yourself
    pray for understanding and clearity
    meet in homes for fellowship

    no need for these man made religions

  5. “…read and study the BIBLE for yourself…”
    You mean the Bible that was preserved and copied through the centuries by Catholic priests and monks? THAT bible? Or the one re-written by a man, leaving out inconvenient passages?

  6. No Tony. The Scriptures that are translated from the Greek texts we have today and that were preserved by God from persecution and burnings in the earliest centuries. The true catholic Church then would not even recognize what the RCC has become today. It’s laughable people defend it.

  7. Who is so naive as to give a flying fuck what a clique of Marxist cocksuckers decry?

    “Latin American Bishops” like the USCCB are integral to the root of the problem… and don’t get me started on The Jesuits as a collective.

    Independently there are good and decent men in those collectives, but they are in the minority and they have had no influence on the direction and directives of the collective.

    Oh the hell, I’ll tell you what I had to say about Jesuits back in ~1996: They should be excommunicated en masse and only have the excommunication lifted on an individual basis and only after a thorough and exhaustive vetting. And this Goddamn Bergoglio fraud was one of filthy degenerates I was pointing to as an example of why I thought that way.

  8. Let’s not squabble over religious differences and comparisons at this point. The point is, Catholics themselves have to get rid of this Pope. No one on the outside can do it for them. Pope is just a dude who can be replaced by someone else more qualified and is wiling to stick to Catholic teaching without going all ‘0bama’ on the followers.
    Y’all need a Catholic “Trump” Pope. lol!

  9. @Zonga:

    Just so interesting.

    In an April 2014 letter from Orthodox Church leaders, Pope Francis is called out as a heretic, including 26 points of Roman Catholic heresy. The Orthodox Fathers beg him to return to the One True Christian Church of Salvation, and reunite the Church.

    My goodness! How did I miss finding out about this letter for more than four years?! I’m only into it for about 10 pages so far, but it is indeed “so interesting”.

    The letter isn’t addressed or written to the RC church as a body, but rather to Bergoglio/Pope Francis personally.

    There are a number of eye-openers so far, but I’ll include this as an example:

    Your “clergy,” Your Excellency, in the evenings view films with sensual content. At least that is the claim of the website Torrent Freak, which reveals how “piracy exists even inside the Vatican,” publishing the full list of films and television shows, which were recently downloaded. The nearly 800 priests, monastics, and other faithful, who reside at the Vatican, show as their preference for television shows Chicago Fire, Lightfields, The Neighbors and Touch; for romantic films, Love Actually was among the top pics, as well as many other films inappropriate for underage viewers. The website published further information about films which were downloaded inside the Vatican in 2012, including films featuring hard-core pornography! Titles such as TS Pussy Hunters with its transsexual porn star, the lesbian movie, Whipped Ass, and the sadomasochistic Russian Slaves were downloaded! Sadly, such reports are hardly shocking when they are seen alongside the thousands of cases of pederasty and child abuse at the hands of “priests” of the “Holy See,” which presents itself as a “Church”

    I recommend to any even semi-interested people that they should read this letter.

  10. Pointing out the prelates’ support for the socialism that has literally killed tens of millions is not worthy of mention. But a little buggery (a few hundred, maybe a few thousand, in the… exact… same… time) among the members of the club, is a shameful, unprecedented attack? I guess that’s why he’s a prelate, and I’m a peasant.

  11. It IS a VERY personal letter to Bergoglio/Pope Francis.

    The letter is from Orthodox Church Fathers of The Eastern Orthodox Church. Some would say it is The One True Christian Church of Salvation.

    The Pope is just a man who has pushed God aside and claimed his own infallibility. Seriously, the pope is nothing but a bureaucrat for a nation called the Vatican, but pretending to be god-on-earth. The planet has pretty much bought into that.

    The chapter on Francis and Islam is a must.
    pg. 18

  12. Good God, just listen to these “Latina Priest’s” Cryig out Don’t Point at our Little Man, He’s so Important and you are making Him Feel Bad.
    Don’t Mess with our ” Pepe “.

  13. Believe that they’ll play this one in “Hillary” fashion. Just distract, delay, accuse, ignore and wait it out. Would love to see other happen to include some form of reformation, but believe there will be NONE.

    As an interested bystander I wish those that would join the fight to reform success and strength in their efforts. I’m to long removed to be joining any of this. And to think that in “my time” the Jesuits were called “The Defenders of the Faith.”

  14. The thing that has me puzzled (and this is from the outside looking in) is why can’t the Pope-n-a-tor go full tilt Henry the VIII on those evil priests? As in why can’t the Pope-n-a-tor decree:Priest, Bishop or Cardinal _____ you are excommunicated. Do not pass go, do not collect your last paycheck; your retirement and or healthcare benefits are now bupkis; you are, as of this moment no longer a Priest or a member of this church. Any titles or office in the church are now stripped from you. Furthermore if past pope’s could free souls from hell then with that same authority I pronounce judgment on you that you will be going to hell for doing all the evil you did to innocent children while masquerading as a representative Christ our Lord Jesus. Where the laws of the land allow it I say to the congregants get a millstone. Where the laws of the land don’t allow the millstone option then I say to you ex-priest be ready to face whatever secular punishment will be coming your way. The church is going to sue to help your victims to sue you so should you make any money in your new secular life all of what you make will go to your victims. This evil in the church ends today.

    There was a time when the Pope could excommunicate a King no questions asked. What line does one have to cross these days to be excommunicated?

  15. JDHasty,

    Respectfully disagree. There’s no way in hell (no pun intended) that he’ll walk away from his position as god on earth. They’ll have to drag him kicking and screaming from the Vatican. And I don’t see them doing that.

    To quote someone else they’ll give the next version of “At this point what does it matter?”

    Please remember that global warming is more important.

  16. Hasty’s second link (youtube) is definitely worth the view. Get’s REAL INTERESTING at 12:00.

    If you’re a practicing Catholic it has to be a very hard time for you. Talk about a crisis of faith, you can say all you want about putting principles (dogma) above personalities (clergy), but all becomes suspect now.

    But then I bring extreme prejudice and opinion!

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