$4 Billion in SNAP Money Went to Improper Food Stamp Payments – IOTW Report

$4 Billion in SNAP Money Went to Improper Food Stamp Payments

Breitbart: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) spent a total of $4 billion on improper food stamp payments to those receiving benefits through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the USDA confirmed with Breitbart News on Friday.

The USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service announced this week that improper payments made up 6.3 percent of SNAP money in the fiscal year (FY) 2017—the latest data available from the agency.

Breitbart News analyzed the USDA’s data on food stamp spending and found that $4,007,026,532 of the $63,603,595,754 the agency spent on SNAP in FY 2017 went to improper payments.

The USDA told Breitbart News that “it is important to note that improper payments include both overpayments and underpayments,” meaning that households on SNAP that received less than what they were supposed to receive for the month are also included in the percentage rate.

Brandon Lipps, the Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services at the agency, said that most improper payments are due to “human errors”—either because of state agencies miscalculating benefits or benefit recipients giving state agencies the wrong information.  read more

6 Comments on $4 Billion in SNAP Money Went to Improper Food Stamp Payments

  1. Last I checked, when handing out taxpayers’ money, UNDERPAYMENT is a myth. A nonevent. Didn’t happen

    This doesn’t even address the issue of able bodied individuals who technically qualify, but are layabout loafers.

  2. Freelaoder maggots & Muzzie fraud!
    Cut it ALL out.Rice,cheese,bread and hamburger meat
    is what you get if you are hungry.Don’t frickin’
    like it? Get a dam job!

  3. All this bull is under the guise of “farm subsidies” and “agricultural support.”

    $4 Billion mis-spent? Nonsense.
    “Squandered” is the word they seek. On purpose. With malice aforethought.

    “Oh! Gee, willikers! I laid my wallet down and now $4 Billion are missing!”
    Sound reasonable? Only to a politician, gov’t worker, or “economist.”
    You can bet a dollar to a donut hole that the money went directly into the coffers of the politically connected – OF BOTH PARTIES!

    Every single dollar is traceable. So, trace it. Prove me wrong.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Immediately cut the SNAP budget by $4 million. When the progressives start howling, explain that you are simply cutting out the “improper payments” amount and that, if the agency is more careful, no one will suffer.


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