4 “Green” AG Dems sue Trump admin for reversing a moratorium on issuing coal mining leases on fed lands – IOTW Report

4 “Green” AG Dems sue Trump admin for reversing a moratorium on issuing coal mining leases on fed lands


DC: Four Democratic attorneys general sued the Trump administration for reversing a moratorium on issuing coal mining leases on federal lands.

Three of the Democratic AGs — California, New York and Washington — come from states that do not produce coal. Only New Mexico AG Hector Balderas comes from a coal-producing state.

All four Democratic AGs are part of the “Green 20” coalition of top state prosecutors working together to keep Obama administration environmental policies from being repealed and investigate “whether fossil fuel companies misled investors and the public on the impact of climate change on their businesses,” according to a release.

New York AG Eric Schneiderman, the leader of the Green 20, has been one of Trump’s most vocal opponents.  more here


SNIP: Is it just me? Or does Eric Schneiderman have some serious ‘crazy eyes’?

13 Comments on 4 “Green” AG Dems sue Trump admin for reversing a moratorium on issuing coal mining leases on fed lands

  1. California? We don’t mine or burn coal. I guess he’s worried about all that global warming. Funny since most of his family lives south of the boarder and cooks Jack Rabbits over an open flame of burning tires. Yum.

  2. GOOD LUCK! You hear me you libtards! Gorsch makes 5. Kennedy is still a wild card so I bet their thinking is shake the dice now.

    When Kennedy goes and god willing Ginsberg “goes” it will truly be wonderful. If only Bryer could be found with a pillow over his head…

  3. These ‘politicians’ should live what they preach. Give up all fossil fuel and oil-based products immediately. Put your money where your big mouths are.

  4. sure give up you “fossil” fuels for solar energy to save the planet and then watch it become forest free when you have everyone burning wood for light and heat after the sun sets at night assholes.

  5. How is it whenever Republican AG’s sued Obama, the courts universally ruled that they had no standing? Obamacare. Immigration. Capricious EPA rules. No one ever had standing.

    Now, they all suddenly have standing again?

    I know. It’s different when they do it.

  6. No, bill

    You don’t get to burn wood either.

    You underestimate the poverty and misery they wish to foist upon the world. All the while calling conservatives heartless.

    It’s a mad mad mad world we live in.

  7. Where do Californians think they get their electricity?

    California’s Dirty Secret: The Five Coal Plants Supplying Our Electricity
    Navajo Generating Station – Arizona
    Total Capacity: 2,409 Megawatts (MW)
    Reid Gardner Generating Plant – Nevada
    Total Capacity: 612 MW
    Intermountain Power Plant – Utah
    Total Capacity: 1,640 MW
    Four Corners Power Plant – New Mexico
    Total Capacity: 2,070 MW
    San Juan Generating Station – New Mexico
    Total Capacity: 1,848 MW

    Fuckit. Cut them off and let Sacramento sweat.

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