4 Masks Work – IOTW Report

4 Masks Work


19 Comments on 4 Masks Work

  1. The more masks the better I guess.

    But I believe that the people that truly believe that masks work can easily get by with only one. Here is how:

    Go get yourself a plastic grocery bag, place over your head, tape it around your neck, and you will be safe from others, and you will definitely not infect others!

    And as an added bonus, if you believe in masks, you probably get a little giddy when you see the nightly death count “from” COVID. Now you can be counted as having died from COVID too! There isn’t a checkbox for stupidity.

  2. …I used to wear one of these.


    …these things are 100% effective at keeping people from breathing bad stuff on you, because they draw from a tank you your back and are positive pressure, so any leakage went OUT from inside YOUR face and nothing could get IN. If you want perfect mask protection against COVID or any OTHER hostile airborne problem, this is your rig.

    For about a half-hour to an hour, that is.

    …then, I hope you have spares because you’re gonna need to change it out to keep your protection going.

    And a really expensive, truck-mounted air compressor that is expensive because BREATHING air must be WAY cleaner than tool air.

    And you’re gonna need someone to run it or your gonna spend all day filling your own bottles and never do anything else.

    And your chest is gonna hurt after a few bottles from exhaling against the positive pressure.

    And you probably won’t be able to see very well because the moisture of your own breath will damp the whole inside.

    And the truck compressor is drawing in regular air anyway, it’s not like the bottle is filled with virus filtered air.

    Also you’re gonna find it hard to use a telephone or talk to people because you sound like Darth Vader with bronchitis.

    And if it runs out, it’s like suddenly sucking on an empty plastic bag.

    …this is the best possible protection.

    It is also wildly impractical for daily use.

    …see, there IS no way to mitigate ALL the risks out of your life, even with proven technology. At some point, you’re going to HAVE to breathe the free air, and trust the Lord to make it survivable.

    Just like He has for many thousands of years, through medieval sanitation and Irish ghetto crowding and everything.

    And even if you COULD keep this mask on for life,

    Trust me, you don’t WANT to.

    …side note: these DID get very moist inside, as ALL of your breath stayed in it. Just about all that ever happened to clean them was a paper towel and maybe an alcohol wipe on the mouth/nose part, then someone ELSE put it right on the NEXT time.

    Yet somehow we survived.

    ..I’m pretty sure we weren’t ALL super healthy super humans.

    …so I’d say the immune system God gave us served us well then.

    And you know what?

    …it still DOES…

    Get over it.

    Take the mask off.

    Go live your life.

    Living in fear isn’t living at all.

    Might as well enjoy SOME life before you die, then…

  3. @ ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS FEBRUARY 12, 2021 AT 3:35 PM

    “Also you’re gonna find it hard to use a telephone or talk to people because you sound like Darth Vader with bronchitis.”

    Holding the mic of your radio against your throat can help, but when you have a HAZMAT suit on over the top, it can be difficult.

    But, yes, it is time to throw away the masks and live life.

    And if someone is to afraid of that, they are welcome to self-isolate at home. Their fear should not control us.

  4. We can all Gorilla glue our eyes, nostrils and mouths shut. ill that satisfy Dr. Shrimpy Fuchsi?

    Wednesday i saw the first hag double masker. She looked like she was ready to have a heart attack. No sympathy from me. Stay home under the bed or in the closet.

  5. 10 masks should be standard issue.

    Wear 2-4 masks at a time, as your fear warrants, and stick the rest
    up your ass to prevent them from being contaminated.


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