4 Republican congressional candidates find any excuse not to back Paul Ryan – IOTW Report

4 Republican congressional candidates find any excuse not to back Paul Ryan

BPR: Once upon a time, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan had a political future so bright he had to wear shades. Now, he’s just considered shady.

The once-dashing Wisconsin Congressman is bleeding support among fellow Republicans, thanks to a series of anti-Trump and anti-GOP missteps.

The latest was Ryan’s refusal to immediately condemn the violence of alt-left Antifa thugs, who have repeatedly rioted, vandalized property, and assaulted Trump supporters.

Now, four Republican congressional candidates refused to commit their support to Ryan when asked if they planned to vote for him if he runs for Speaker of the House of Representatives.   read more

21 Comments on 4 Republican congressional candidates find any excuse not to back Paul Ryan

  1. Masking and violence are 100% consistent with #AntiFirstAmendment. When it’s 100% consistent it’s not a tactic it’s a strategy.

    And if these goons have one “core value” above all others, it’s suppression of free speech and assembly by those they don’t like. You agree with THAT, Congressman?

    What I suggest you do with yourself should be anatomically feasible for such a skilled contortionist.

  2. “No Trump! No Wall! No U.S.A. at all!”

    This isn’t mere guilt by association, Congressman Ryan.

    He couldn’t have made his allegiance to antifa more clear. This isn’t politics as usual, either.

  3. A few more wins for Trump, an official end to this Russia investigation fiasco and the left unable to slander him over response to Harvey (like they did to Bush with Katrina) and I suspect Ryan would know that he’ll be in trouble in a house leader election. Maybe he’d do the gracious thing and resign.

  4. “Amid public uproar, Speaker Ryan finally condemned the alt-left Antifa thugs late-Wednesday…”

    Nope. He had a flack mouth some words for him, so there’s no video of him badmouthing antifa. Effing sneaky weasel…

    “Speaker Ryan believes, as is obvious, these individuals are left-wing thugs, and those who are committing violence need to be arrested and prosecuted. Antifa is a scourge on our country,” Ryan’s spokeswoman AshLee Strong said in a statement provided exclusively to The Daily Caller.”

  5. Question to publicly ask Rep Paul Shitlipz Ryan:
    Just whose interests do you represent, Congressman?

    Make him answer that question, and if he tries to weasel out by saying ‘my constituents’ hit him in the face with a pie.

  6. Ryan blew it and revealed his inadequacies when he let that worthless clown Biden walk all over him in the 2012 vice-presidential debate.

    Romney backed down too against the half black man-child.
    Trump could have won easily that year already.

  7. All Congressmen and some senators are running for re-election.
    Ryan controls who gets what in the way of in-kind donations (media) and Big bucks from The RNCC and other PACs……..just as McCONnell controls the Senate Campaign Committee purse strings.
    The Congressional and Senate membership, if they want the big bucks, they keep their mouth shut and vote the way the leadership tells them. Their top priority is keeping their fat RINO ass in their seat in Washington DC.

  8. Ryan is a scumbag of the highest (or lowest) degree. At least the dems aren’t lying to me – I know they’re going to vote against my interests. Lyin’ Ryan promised up and down since he ran with Rino Romney that he’d repeal the Affordable (ha, ha – joke’s on us) Care (AYFKM?) Act. But, like Arafat, never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

    Vote this creep OUT.


    That is heavy stuff.

    I suppose, they could hound him day and night until he DISAVOWS anti-Republican violence, then complain he didn’t do it fast enough or with enough crying like North Korean propagandists do.

    But instead of demanding a spine from him, they will temporarily withhold support for a few hours.

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