4 Subhumans arrested in Fresno, CA for cockfighting – IOTW Report

4 Subhumans arrested in Fresno, CA for cockfighting

Huge cockfighting ring busted in Fresno, deputies find trash barrels filled with dead roosters.

KFI: Four men in Fresno were arrested last Friday after deputies broke up a huge cockfighting operation that involved more than 100 birds.

Deputies reported finding trash barrels filled with dead roosters.

As law enforcement rolled up on the illegal operation, a roll-up door opened and about 100 people ran out. Some ran to their cars and others ran out into fields.


SNIP: I just know Vietvet is going to ruin this thread. lol!

Warning: One foul picture of bloody birds in a trashcan at the link.

22 Comments on 4 Subhumans arrested in Fresno, CA for cockfighting

  1. On too many occasions I delivered, what I vocally called death row birds, to those who said they were going to ‘the farm’. I think the USPS was more interested in the Express Mail/COD revenue than what I and them were facilitating. Disgusting.

  2. At some point, in the distant future, residents of Bakersfield will be able to take a high speed train to the cock fights in Fresno. This may actually be the only reason to ride the high speed train.

  3. The cops ought have just opened fire on those running. Chances are it would just be deporting illegals via The Great Beyond and at the same time saving lots of paperwork.

  4. If they were muslims they wouldn’t be arrested or indicted, because, you know, “it’s their culture”, like rape, female submission, female beatings, female mutilation, honor killings, decapitation and bestiality.

  5. Vietvet,

    That was sad. But not your fault. Obviously MJA was expecting some major Cockyness out of you. To much pressure to perform turns the biggest stud into, well it ain’t pretty. You should join my He Man Woman Haters Club. LOL

  6. It’s legal here, and we have wild birds that look
    like that top pic in the yard all of the time. Good
    looking roosters but they phucking start waking you
    up around 0400 and I wanna kill them.
    But hey, it’s catholic island here and gambling is illegal……

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