4 Years Later: Never forget what they did to us – IOTW Report

4 Years Later: Never forget what they did to us

The Dossier:

It’s now been four years since the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses met in February of 2020 and adopted the official name “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” (SARS‑CoV‑2).

The sane masses now agree that there was nothing particularly severe about the Wuhan sniffles, but at this point four years ago, we were witnessing the the beginning of a viral avalanche that was set to wreak havoc upon human civilization.

While it was initially advertised as the “pandemic of the century,” it quickly became clear to level-headed observers that there wasn’t in fact anything to worry about.

The issue, of course, is that those of us in the level-headed camp were in a tiny minority, especially early on in 2020.

Everyone else was Freaking. The. Heck. Out. more

37 Comments on 4 Years Later: Never forget what they did to us

  1. One thing you can do to help people never forget what really happened. Lots of people still say every day, “Because covid…” or “Since covid…” or some variation thereof when explaining how the coof changed their lives. Abruptly stop them and interject yourself, “You mean ‘Because of the government’s reaction to the coof.’ Yea, yea, go on…”

  2. There are millions of lampposts in this country, states are allowing hemp to be grown, streaming services are becoming top notch.

    It is time to start the public hangings and live stream them for the people unable to attend.

    Anyone that had a hand in any lockdown, forced masking, forced vaccination, shutting down a business, telling us a gunshot victim was a vid death, etc. should be at the top of the line.

    These people want to reduce population, they can be first in line.

  3. I find it difficult to forgive them. I had relatives in nursing homes, and they were essentially completely cut off from family and friends. My mother never understood why she had to visit her kids through a window with everyone wearing masks. On those occasions when we were allowed in the facility, at lunch time I saw patients sitting alone at tables designed for 12 surrounded by other patients also sitting alone at tables designed for 12. Staff spent as much time keeping residents separated as they did taking care of them. And so on and so forth.

    I understand normal precautions when visiting the elderly – frequent hand washing, don’t visit when you are ill, etc. These are precautions that should be followed even if there was no “pandemic.” But the harsh truth is that the vast majority of the residents know that this is their last stop, and that one of the most important things to them is friends and family. This access was severely restricted, and in many cases denied.

    We knew things were overstated when Trump sent a hospital ship to New York – and it sat empty. My thanks to the many nursing home administrators who pushed the access rules almost past the breaking point, but I have nothing but contempt for the politicians who pushed these restrictions in the face of research (including by the CDC) showing that the restrictions were ineffective and lacked common sense.

  4. And all the frontline nurses and caregivers that had been caring for patients for months were now suddenly a threat to everyone if they didn’t take the vaccine, ultimately leading to “this is a pandemic of the UNVACCINATED.”

    I think my favorite part of it all was “you could have it but not know it and be spreading it to everyone!…You can have symptoms, or no symptoms at all, or have a false negative test, or have a false positive test!”

    With this came the power to mandate anything they wanted, instead of going about life as people with common sense use to: wash your hands, cover your fucking hole if you have to sneeze or cough, and if you’re sick, stay home.

  5. Hate to piss in anyone’s cornflakes, but wasn’t Trump instrumental in getting those glorious “vaccines” out of testing and into our arms in record time? Sometimes, I think we would be better off if the whole thing just collapsed…

  6. Never Forget.

    Interesting phrase. Likely intended to remind us of the Holocaust.

    Good advice because it is the doom of men that they forget.

    But in my particular case, it seems unlikely that I will. Not because of the abuse I, along with all of us, suffered at the hands of Government. Not because of the damage they did to my finances, my employer, my nation, my system of law, everything that made America America. Not because they damn near forced me to take that poison myself before all the information was in. Not because my allegedly Republican Governor of Ohio postponed the Ohio primaries in violation of a Supreme Court order, using Coof as a pretext, in order to improve his buddy Biden’s chances of winning. Not because that same Governor, based on no medical evidence whatsoever, cancelled my desperately needed knee surgery as “elective” because Coof was supposed to overwhelm the hospitals or something, forcing me to curse his name with every burning step I had to take for MONTHS on a torn meniscus in order to be able to feed my family, sometimes having to resort to a cane to walk around the campus of factory buildings I had to service. Not because of the hell I’ve had to see and manage in others, many of which I’ve documented here, where I’ve had to manage seizures, miscarriages, chest pains, and full arrests and deaths at my factory employer with a population of YOUNG HEALTHY PEOPLE. Not even because they used all this fear to foist an illegitimate, demented pedophile upon us all, to accelerate the destruction of this Nation and of the population of the world.

    I’m enough of a student of history to know the bloody way in which THAT will shake out.

    …no, even that is not the part that’s going to make their evil indelible to me.

    But the death of my mother will.

    When did she die? Not yet. But she will, soon. This weekend perhaps, or next week. Maybe even as I write this. I do not expect her to get to Monday, let alone to her birthday in March. And given the withered, wizened, etiolated, witless shell they made they’ve made of her in just a few short weeks from the incisive businesswoman, loving mother and grandmother and great-grandmother and former dancer, I will consider it nothing but a mercy of God when he comes to take her home at last, to be with Him and my earthly father in Heaven at long last. We had a tradition, Mom and I sometimes other players but at least we two, part of which our own Claudia knows about me as this tradition coincided with the passing of her own mother some time ago, and I shared this with her because of that. On my father’s birthday, and also on the day he left us, we would go to the cemetery in which he was interred, and I would play a not particularly polished version of “Amazing Grace” for him on my budget bagpipes. At such times she would listen appreciatively as only a loving mother could ( as she survived my attempts at playing the violin in middle school so she could survive ANYTHING), we would say a prayer before leaving, and the last thing she’d say every time was “See you soon, (his name).

    It seems prophetic now.

    For soon indeed she will.

    And what does this have to do with Coof? A personal tragedy, sure, but c’mon, she’s 86 years old, people die, right?

    Sure they do.

    But not like this.

    …see, while she was a wonderful, smart woman in most things, because of certain myths about the Great Depression and the subsequent World War she was raised in, like many of her generation she was a lifelong Democrat, not noticing as she aged how they became more and more anti-American. Believing so made her also vulnerable to other lies Democrats told, left her too trusting of government while her background in business left her too trusting of degrees.

    So when the Government and their medical shills said, “Get the shot”, so she did.

    And booster.

    And booster.

    And booster.

    And booster.

    ..not long after the last one, her mind changed rather remarkably. She became increasingly forgetful, got lost driving her car, couldn’t remember computer passwords written out in very large letters in
    a drawer under the computer…and then cracks started to show in short-term memory. It became common to have to repeat things and answer questions from 5 minutes ago all over again, and as far as scheduling things for her, well, if my niece didn’t write them down, they would be forgotten completely.

    Sounds like any other oldster, nicht wahr?

    But all this happened in the space of months.

    And then November.

    …in November my niece found her in a mess in her own bed at her house, incoherent and responsive only to touch in a reflexive way. My niece, God bless her, some years ago found her grandfather dead of a heart
    attack in that same room, and unsurprisingly freaked out, calling me at work instead of 911. I advised 911 and off to the races she went, and it was clear she wouldn’t be going home any time soon from how painfully
    vacuous she had become when she revived at the hospital.

    Some pointed to UTI, others to dehydration. Yep, old folks have those problems, so she was released to a nursing home when it was manifest she couldn’t live alone and she needed 24 hour care that no one was in a position to provide at home. She seemed to recover enough to move her to an assisted living apartment, and then it was like she physically and mentally fell off a cliff about 3 weeks after the initial incident. She wasted away physically at a shocking rate and became unable to walk even with a walker, get herself in and out of bed, or even sit up.

    Back to the hospital.

    This time, despite her having been exhaustively vetted by doctors for months now, this woman who was a believer in doctors and got all the checkups, who never had a sick day in her life, was diagnosed with bladder cancer. Stage 4. Metastaszed into her kidneys and liver. No real hope that even the most aggressive and tortuous of treatments would do anything but finish her off in the most painful way possible.

    Read that again.

    Doctors looking at her continuously for 3 months.

    3 months ago, no cancer.
    1 month ago, no cancer.
    This month, a very advanced cancer all up into everything.

    And all this after an amazingly rapid mental decline.

    …and this is where the Coof Goof comes in. You all have read these pages and others, know how there is mounting evidence that the Jab both causes and accelerates dementia, that it can speed cancers that normally take YEARS to develop up so much the sobriquet “Turbo cancer” was adopted to try to describe this newly common phenomenon, which – believe me – doesn’t do it justice.


    …can I prove anything? Of course not. That would require the cooperation of doctors to “prove”, the same doctors who did and STILL DO regularly push this STILL EXPERIMENTAL jab on their patients young and old, despite the mounting evidence of risk and lack of evidence of benefit. Would you really expect a doctor to provide evidence of his own malpractice, and of his committing what at best could be characterized as medical manslaughter?

    Not happening.

    But I am uninfected by the Jab. I have a very rudimentary medical training. I can see and hear, read and process information, and can see the woman who raised me, loved me, clothed me and fed me, decay at a rate and way that, in all my years of transporting geriatric emergent patients to the hospital I NEVER saw, before my eyes, like the devil himself is delighting in destroying this Godly woman in the most humiliating way possible.

    She left us some time ago, in mind although not yet in body, and I thank the Lord that there’s not enough of her mind left to see what her body has become since she left it.

    But I can see it.

    And I know what I am looking at.

    Which has always been a cross that I bear in my family, a cross I didn’t even know I had picked up when I started this journey, picked up in the wards and the streets that leaves me with no doubt as to what to expect next, and even in some cases when.

    Information I can’t share.

    …my niece called me a few days ago, while my mother was still in the hospital. Seems that the hospital, having deemed my mother a dead woman, wanted a decision on hospice, and on CPR. It is important that she called me, in that she had MPA authority over my mother for some time, being closest to her and in contact with her the most. She was really coming to understand what “Medical Power of Attorney” actually entailed. God bless her again, when I say “Niece” understand I am talking about a 40 yo grown woman with a Special Needs child of her own (funny how much more common that’s become in latter days) and a job
    she HAS to go to as does her husband so they can feed themselves and their child. This was a bit of a poser for me, as I had this conversation with my mother over a year ago how she felt about CPR at her advanced age, and she had told me she DID want to be resuscitated. But this was well before all this happened. I didn’t want this chalice before me but my niece was lost at this terrible crossroads, and I have personally broken the ribs of geriatric patients while doing CPR (any medic with time in has, look up “Floating Sternum” to see how much fun THIS can be), and knowing her current state and that she would never live to recover from the brutal assault that CPR necessarily is, I took that burden from her and told her “sign the DNR”, much to the hateful satisfaction of the hospital.

    At some point, you just have to be able to identify the line between aggressive therapy and pointless medical torture, and this was it. No, I am not so insensitive as to have explained to her my thought processes, but she knowing my background accepted my advice without hesitation.

    My advice that signed the death warrant for my mother.

    …then yesterday, she calls me again. Seems she had went to the “home” shortly after I had left, so I knew what this was about. She saw that destroyed, lost shell that used to be inhabited by her favorite person in the world, and was having some difficulty dealing with what was to come. I am a terrible comfort person, full of bromides from my street years but empty of ability to put bright makeup convincingly on a corpse, but I said what I could with the help of the Lord to comfort her, but I ain’t gonna lie. She’s going to die, soon, and it isn’t going to be pretty.

    My niece with consent of all her aunts and uncles had placed my mother in a facility where she could get 24 hour care, in the hope that she would not be the one to, once again, find a grandparent dead.

    But given that she is the most regular of visitor and the fact that she seldom gets visits from the staff except for of necessity and obviously can’t use a panic button, I fear she may end up doing so anyway, just in a far more impersonal setting.

    …and for THIS, THIS above all else, is that which I can NEVER forgive and will NEVER forget. I firmly believe the Jab to be at fault, but even if it isn’t, the Jab protocols and the Government health care takeover has manifestly made the practice of medicine far stupider, far more dangerous, less independent, and beholden to dollars and cent stealing bureaucrats to make life and death decisions. I have witnessed this medical incompetence even to the point where I had to save my own son’s life IN A FUCKING HOSPIAL WARD because the nurse was paralyzed by protocol and procedure and could not get ahold of a

    …sorry, but that still pisses me off. But that’s where we are with this Coof nonsense, which they will soon be winding up again for a new Presidental election.

    Many more mothers will die.
    And children.
    And husbands and fathers, grandparents and great-grandparents.

    All for political power.

    …in a way, I look at the Israeli raid on a hospital as covered on these pages as something of an interesting concept, if not for the specific targets they had.

    But if evil is in a hospital, the hospital should be no refuge.

    Food for thought.

    …Never Forget.

    “Vengeance is Mine”, sayeth the Lord.

    But I can’t help thinking that we need to speed the delivery of many, MANY people to His vengeance before none of us has a loved one left…

    …and I apologize to anyone who has gone this far in this overly personal, TL/DNR “comment” for tiring their eyes, and to BFH if this is too much. I did wait until late in the section and until it was old and towards the bottom to do this.

    But I had to say it to someone, both the truth of how I believe the Jab did this and also because you need as a reader to see a thumbnail of the woman I watched it destroy, so you can understand the true evil of this merciless experiment, hopefully before it destroys a relative of yours.

    I had to say it to someone.

    And at least with a group of strangers I will never know, I don’t need to worry about hurting anyone’s feelings or horrifying them for their loved one’s future as I would with a relative, a group of strangers that generally profess to similar experiences and worldviews as myself.

    And there’s some comfort in that.

    I feel like I should finish by cursing them, but I have no words to express what they truly deserve for this.

    I will not ask God to have mercy on their souls.

    That would make me a hypocrite, as I have no intention of having mercy on them myself.

    I am so angry I cannot even pray for my mother here as I would. The Spirit cannot abide in hate.

    So all I can do for now is ask you spare a prayer for her instead, to ease her transition and speed her to the Lord. Dee will do, if you need a name to pray for.

    It’s literally all she has left.

  7. “if djt wants back in, he better forget gun control/bumpstock bs & vaxx-blanker bs. otherwise.”

    Let me give you a clue here. Trump through them a bone. Bump stocks. If he hadn’t, they would have been hot after anything full semi auto. If you want to bitch about Trump bitch about his bad hires or something. But the gun control thing holds no water.

    You kill me. “if djt wants back in”. Turn on the news sparky. You better pray nightly that he does get back in.

  8. I have a boatload of audiobooks on Discs. Since my library has an app for checking out & listening to books on your phone, I thought I would donate my said books to the library. They used to accept donations of things like that. Well, long story short, about 2 weeks ago, I called my library & asked if they would like to have them. I was told donations were not allowed because, you guessed it, COVID. Not quite sure how COVID!!!!!!! spreads through a disc, but there it is.

  9. Let me clue ya’.

    The subhuman pieces of shit knEW EXACTLY what they were doing. They don’t have any problem with it. Their narcissism knows no boundaries. They are totally lacking in any capacity whatsoever for any concern for anyone other than themselves. Totally lacking. It isn’t what they do and what they have done, it’s what they’re turning their backs on God and throwing in with Satan that have made them what they ARE. WICKED AND EVIL PERSONIFIED. They are a hollowed out caricatures of once were once the heirs of what is rightfully theirs. That wasn’t good enough for sonsabitches who are ruled by envy and resentment. they wanted it all, they thought God was occupying the place in the grand scheme of things that is rightfully theirs, but have been cheated out of.

  10. @ Redcat 66 SATURDAY, 3 FEBRUARY 2024, 20:10 AT 8:10 PM

    The kids and I haven’t been to the library since February of 2020. We used to visit weekly. Their latest scheme is a garden tool lending section. Last I heard that was a bust. Just shut it down. It serves no legitimate purpose any longer.

  11. SNS, thank you for your story. I will pray for God to have mercy on you, your family, and especially your mother. I pray that God will be the very next clear thought she has as he takes her in his arms to welcome her to paradise.

    I welcomed your comments to me when my mom died in 2019. I know how much it meant to you to play at your dad’s grave site with your mom. I pray when you are ready to play for your mom, you will take your niece with you. I’m sure it will help her heal.

    God bless you, SNS. You are precious.

  12. Trump does not get a pass on any of this. There are 3 choices with Trump:
    1. He is not smart enough to figure things out
    2. He does not care
    3. He is in on it

    Children have died. Children have been permanently disabled. Mothers lost their babies. Young girls/women have now been made infertile. Demons were in charge of this, it is past time to choose a side.

  13. ^^^ What a fucking idiot. I’m always wary of the assholes that like to cuddle up to Jesus but always throw the first stone. This clown makes a career out of it.
    Who would have been prepared for a targeted pandemic attack on our country? Name which historical President would have seen this coming. Better yet name a prospective candidate that could have reacted any better. You’re an idiot. But keep throwing those stones.

  14. SNS
    I am very late to this thread, but I hope you see this and know that you are in my prayers, along with your mom.
    What a heartbreaking story.
    I know we are almost all truly strangers in this small community of IOTW, but you and all the others who comment and share regularly are actually friends. Friends who have found a place to be honest – no need for filters. I only know of a few others in my physical circle of friends and acquaintances who did not get the jab, so venting and commenting her has been a true gift.
    All that to say that I feel like I know you and many others and consider you my friend, though we will never meet this side of heaven.

    God bless and keep you.
    M >

  15. Thank you Graceia. You are right that this is one of the few places we can truly be honest, ironic in that the Internet is such a fundamentally dishonest place. But I do appreciate you and others here that we have come to know to the extent this format allows, and through the indulgence of our hosts. I do appreciate the empathy here, and thank you for taking the time to provide a little comfort in your words.

    God Bless you,

  16. @SNS – my prayers to your mom, your niece and yourself. After my mom died from negligent cancer treatment, I took care of my dad for 10 years which took a lot more and increasing effort the last few years. I thank God every day for blessing me with such a good mother and father and for being able to be there for them in their later years.

    I consider it as a great blessing to have been able to be by his side (home hospice) until he breathed his last. So many people were denied that blessing in hospitals and nursing homes by the corruption of the entire medical system based on the scamdemic, so I was thankful that God allowed my dad to have someone who loved him be by his side as he departed this mortal coil. I wish you and your family the best memories of your mom (and dad) – no one can take those away. The satisfaction of knowing that I did all I could for my parents has provided me with a great sense of peace for myself, and I pray for that same peace for you and your niece.

  17. Thank you Bubbas Brother, but I cannot know the peace you knew or show the love you did by having my own mother die in my home. My MIL beat her to it by many years, she is a slightly younger (83 yo) lady with her own pile of problems, many stemming from severe diabetes, and her own cancer hx, including a nodule she had removed from her armpit of all places that was surgically removed a day before my mother crashed the last time, after a 10 day hospital stay for some sort of bronchitis that nearly carried her off.

    I’m getting really familiar with all the hospitals again, at least the geriatric sections thereof.

    Most of her problems are mechanical though. She’s dopsy and needs a walker, and literally broke her neck falling in our bathroom last New Years Day, but her mind is still good.

    Crucially there, she’s always refused the Jab. This gives me an obvious point of comparison with my mother, demented jabbed vs sane nit jabbed, and treatable cancer vs sudden, previously unknown, instantly overwhelming turbo cancer that NO DOCTOR saw for THE MONTHS she was being closely monitored beforehand.

    I am the sole support for my family so I am gone a minimum 12 hours a day starting at 445 six days a week (seven when I can get it, I’m hourly and DT is appreciated), so I am not positioned to be a caregiver, and my wife is already pretty overwhelmed with one ambulatory patient so I’d probably wreck her if I gave her a bedridden mostly nonsentient one to care for too. And she’s still healing her own breast cancer so that’s fun as well. As much as I love my mother, as much as I may wish I could return the care she gave me, I simply don’t have the manpower or facilities to serve her even reduced to hospice needs.

    I can’t speak to my brother and sisters, and for various reasons I don’t speak TO my brother and sisters, because we definitely differ on some things which is why my working woman niece ended up being her part-time in-home caregiver for the longest, but the practical upshot is that she’s going to most likely die in her sleep in an impersonal room with only the noise of walkers rolling by to comfort her transition.

    I hate it, but I can’t change it. I’m an aging man too, with blown-out knees and hernia issues, so even if I could afford an extended leave, physical patient handling at this point would probably be beyond my capabilities. I already know that from issues my MIL had in which I was forced to wait for an ambulance for manpower as I simply am not myself a powerful man any more.

    Yes, I’m a whiny batch, sorry. But my own infirmities and my own inability to care for her just makes me hate the people who did this to her with the Jab even more.

    But I do appreciate your commiserate, BB, and am glad you were blessed by blessing your father. Those that can, should, it’s as the Lord would have it.

    God Bless you too,

  18. @SNS – I think doing the best anyone can is different for different people and different situations. I am certain that I was uniquely blessed in my situation taking care of my dad which is why I am so thankful. I have a sibling as well that didn’t care at all about either of his parents and didn’t help take care of either of them, so I know how that feels too (and having 9 knee surgeries along with the various aches and pains of life in my mid 50’s didn’t physically help me much either while taking care of my dad).

    It sounds to me like both you and your niece were there for your mother as much as either of you could be (which is all anyone can do). Both of you loved her enough to do all that you could for her given the circumstances including being an advocate for her care and spending as much time as you could with her, and I think that’s all any of us can do. All you can do, is all that you can do in spite of whatever the circumstances are. I’m certain that your mother knows that as well and she loves and appreciates you both for your care for her, even if she can’t express it right now.

    I was up for about 40 some odd hours straight with my dad after he became non-responsive in hospice care (I was the only one with him). Even though I wanted to be beside him at his last breath, I had to lay down for a few minutes of sleep (and told him I would be back by his side very soon), but he passed during the 20 minutes or so that I had to nap. The hospice nurse who pronounced him dead told me that she sees it quite a lot that those on the edge of death seem to hold on to life until their loved ones have to leave their side for a few minutes. She thought it was their spirit not wanting their loved ones to have their last memory being them dying – their way of showing their love for us until the end.

    I know that you are a believer in Christ so you know it isn’t actually the end, but a new beginning. I pray that YHVH’s comfort will be with all of you. I truly believe that our loved ones know the love in our hearts in the spiritual realm.

    I hope that you can experience the peace knowing that she is with God now and in the future, and that we can only do so much for our loved ones here in the flesh and that all we can do is the best we can do for the time being. Take care and best wishes to you and your niece.


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