41% of young, would-be parents open to ‘gene-editing’ for children to make them smarter – IOTW Report

41% of young, would-be parents open to ‘gene-editing’ for children to make them smarter


A study published this Thursday in Science magazine found that roughly a third of would-be American parents are open to the idea of genetically modifying their babies to increase the likelihood of them being accepted into a top school.

The study in Science magazine specifically asked 6,800 would-be parents about what services they’d be willing to use to increase their children’s chances of getting into the school of their choice.

The options were gene editing, PGP-P (testing for genetic risk factors), and SAT preparation. Whereas 69 percent of respondents were OK with SAT preparations and 43 percent were OK with genetic screening, a 34 percent minority found gene editing acceptable.

However, the 34 percent rose to 41 percent when only factoring in would-be parents under the age of 35. Similarly, those with a higher education were also more open to gene editing. more

18 Comments on 41% of young, would-be parents open to ‘gene-editing’ for children to make them smarter

  1. “increase the likelihood of them being accepted into a top school.”

    That’s easy, just make their skin darker, that is the only criteria top schools value.

    Years ago I used to listen to Dr. Laura, smart lady, the one thing that stuck with me, she would say,”I don’t care if your kid is smart, I care if he is kind”.

    Having money, a fancy degree, esteem from your colleagues and fear from your underlings, none of this guarantees happiness, purpose, or a joyous life. These parents need to realize that the tools necessary for a meaningful existence can be taught by them being good parents.

  2. Single women are most parents – and democrats. They seem to be happy to cut their kids’ dicks and tits off, so why not stick a ‘smart gene’ in their brains? After all, what could go wrong??

  3. Anyone who has experienced little ones in their Terrible Twos will shudder at the prospect of smarter little monsters.

    Ditto parents of know-it-all adolescent ignoramuses.

    And please don’t give a child that continually asks “Why?” additional smarts so the question becomes “Why not?”

  4. My inclination it is lazy, worthless, good for nothing progs who comprise the majority of the 41%. Anything that keeps them from their first loves, their booze, pot and cigarettes, they resent and actually putting out the effort teaching and spending time with their offspring is top of the list.

  5. It also begs the question, what does “smart” really mean?

    We hear terms like street smart or book smart and how neither really translate well into common sense, curiosity, determination, and critical thinking ability.

    It sounds like this 41% equates “smart” with test taking, providing answers that are consensus, and snowing the professor.

    And as others have noted, this 41% are 99.9% libs who are already limited in their own information processing skills.

  6. I know some very smart people, they are book smart, did the college courses, and landed jobs far beneath their smarts. Two of the smart people are doctors. All of them are dumber than rocks, zero common sense. One smart guy worked for the IRS. He was married to my sister who had to lay his clothes out for the day because he would wear anything to the office. He never made it past GS-6 – worked for them for 40 years, working tax invasion. He was a CPA as well.

  7. the 21st century has been an unmitigated disaster for America. Had I read this in 1999 I’d said “HORSE SHIt!’. But todyay, I sadly believe.

    Some CPAs are smart.

    Biased. passed exam 54 years ago.

  8. Did that with our brood. All it took was plenty of good food, exercise, discipline, teaching them right from wrong, respect for themselves, their elders and their Lord. And instilling a solid work ethic. All six of ’em (35 to 48) are doing outstanding, by any measure…teachers, finance, tech entrepreneurs, and business owners. The best gauge by far, for me, are the 17 and counting grandchildren I get to dote on and be blessed by. There is something to be said about a full quiver.


  9. Our gene editing was accomplished through judicious application of the board of education. Usually one dose was sufficient. Often just being a bystander to its administration had certain proven efficacy, as well.



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